Belted Cardigan

Hi ladies! Sorry for the lack of posts this week but my lap top died on me and I just got it back today, Yeah! It’s still giving me some issues so here’s to hoping I don’t have to take it back agggain. In other news I know a lot of you have been asking about my bathroom remodels. They’re pretty much done, I just need to finish a few more things and take some pics! I swear this is has been our busiest December yet (and I don’t even want to tell you guys that I haven’t started Christmas shopping for my littles yet!) I know a lot of you have also been asking when Shop Honeybee will be back up and running. I promise  uploading ALL my shop pieces will be at the TOP of my list after the holidays! Okay now on to today’s post talking about one of Fall/Winters simplest trends, belted cardigans!
I absolutely ADORE this look and think it’s a such a flattering way for anyone to kick up an outfit! I’ve had this BB Dakota cardigan for years (unfortunately it’s sold out now but they make another option on SALE HERE ) and paired it with a killer leather fringe belt I bought recently. BB Dakota is actually one of my favorite affordable brands. If you haven’t checked out their stuff i’d definitely recommend it. They make some pretty great on trend pieces and the price point is usually under $100. 
 To finish off this look I added a Janessa Leone wide brim hat (hands down my favorite brand for hats right now) and some fun Over The Knee Boots for a trendy and fun winter look.
Here are a few more of my current favorite cardigans perfect for belting! 

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TaylorCole Photography
BB Dakota Cardigan (from a few years ago…Sold Out but similar I love HERE and HERE)  // Basic Tank // Classic Skinny Jeans // OTK Boots (sold out now but the all leather version HERE) // Fringe Belt (LOVE this one too) // Wide Brim Hat // and Celine Bag (similar for less HERE)

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