Beanie Weather

Goooood morning ladies! Well this week has flown by hasn’t it?! It’s been raining the past two days here and I couldn’t have been more excited for that chilly beanie weather! Today’s look is comfy (but stylish) one with one of my favorite jackets (ever) and a knit beanie i’ve been wearing a ton lately! 
I’m not sure if you girls are familiar with All Saints but they make THE BEST JACKETS EVER! They are a bit pricey but worth the investment in my opinion! I’ve linked this one below but will also keep an eye for when they have a SALE for my ladies on a budget! 
and whether you’re prego or not, you can never have too many comfy sneaks!
Last Month – 27 Weeks Baby Bumpin’
Photos by SteadyJenny
Knit Beanie (sold out similar slouchy style HERE)
Leather Maternity Skinny Jeans by DL1961 c/o A Pea in the pod (non maternity style HERE)
New Balance Shoes (almost sold out! similar style HERE)
All Saints Jacket (I’m wearing US2)

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  1. Love the AllnSaints in you! I'm 5'2 110 lbs… Petite build…. Do you think I should size down to a US 0? Also, is it warm enough for cold winters? Thx so much! Btw, you look so gorgeous pregnant! I wish u the very best!

    1. Yes I would definitely you would be good with a size 0….however I dont think it is warm enough for super cold winters. When I wore it back east last week I definitely felt like i needed more layers on those really cold days/nights. It would be great for SoCal Winter or Fall on the east coast. Hope this helps xo

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