Back on Track

Yeah for internet!! I love my iphone but seriously missed my lap top! Sorry for the lack of posts but thank you ladies for keeping up through The Honeybee facebook page and Instagram! Now that we are back and settling in in CA, I finally have a little chilly weather! yeah!!!! That being said I have a love hate relationship when I start seeing Spring pieces come up in January! I still want to live in my boots and jackets. Eventually I will have to get on board so here are a few of my favorites…

*Click on the set for details
I reposted my OTK Steve Madden boots in this set as a lot of you were asking about them. I am also LOVING some of this summery piecees by Rory Beca for Forever21.

*Click on the set for details
Drooling over these Giuseppe Zanotti platforms… ammmazing! Hope you ladies are enjoying your weekend xoxo

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  1. We just received our first snowfall in Chicago two days ago, so jealous of ANY warm weather right now! I cant even begin to look at spring/summer clothes bc who knows when Ill be able to wear any of it!

  2. Is it crazy that I have been shopping sandals in January?! I am hoping to get more wear out of my winter gear but this L.A. weather not working in my favor! Welcome back to Cali! xo

  3. Yeah love thanks for posting the boots, you are awesome! I saw that it comes in brown also! Love the red dress and the jeans especially the front pockets. Glad you are back in Cali! Mayby one day will bump into each other @drybar lol :0) Have an awesome weekend! Xo

  4. Love the platform sandals! I also picked up a similar pair of Elizabeth and James jeans from 7 for all mankind! I'm also looking forward to warmer weather. I love my maxi dresses and sandals! Love your warm weather picks – thanks for sharing! 🙂 BTW, have you read Kimberly Snyder's book? I've been trying some of the green smoothies and they are working wonders for me. Would love to hear your thoughts.

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