Baby’s First Year Must Haves

The amount of products out there for new moms and babies is beyond overwhelming (and believe me I have tried an endless amount of them)! Since Ava is almost one I thought I would do an updated post on my absolute must haves for baby’s first year! Here are my picks for items I HIGHLY recommend and would re purchase if I had to do it all over again….

*Click on the set for more details
Triple Paste is our go to product for diaper rash. The white noise sound machine has been used since day one and love it. A hooter hider and Lanolin ointment are a MUST for breastfeeding moms. I used my hider a lot more than I thought I would and the Lanolin was a lifesaver in the beginning stages of breastfeeding. As for Stroller we have both of the Uppa Baby ones above. The only complaint on the larger one is that the back wheel tends to hit things but I have a feeling that happens on any of the larger strollers. The Vista is the heavy duty stroller we use the majority of the time and the G-Luxe is the lightweight one we use for traveling and to store in my husbands car so we don’t have to transfer the big one back and forth. Ava wasn’t a huge fan of the bassinet part when she was a baby so we got the base adapter so we could click her carseat straight into and it worked perfectly. The snack tray has proven to be a great add on as well. It buys mama a little extra time when were out.
There are a lot cooler looking high chairs out there but honestly we love this one and don’t have one complaint about it!  Its a comfy leather and really easy to clean. The Zoli container has been a great addition to my diaper bag as I always have formula and puffs on hand. It also has a pour spout on top which makes throwing together a bottle on the go a breeze!  The Fisher Price step n’ play was a huge hit when Ava was younger and she still uses it now. The seat can be removed so now she just walks through and plays with all the toys on it.

*Click on the set for more details

The Baby Cook was and still is something I used at least a few times a week. Its great when they’re younger and your having to blend up their food and perfect for steaming veggies when they get into solids.  The Marc Jacobs diaper bag was definitely money well spent. Its super comfy, has tons of space and the hubby’s not afraid to rock it too 😉 My pump was handed down to me from my sister in law and it was great! I may end up getting one of those ridiculous looking bra pumpers for the next go round to cut down on time and to be hands free! The co-sleeper  was amazing as we didn’t want the baby in bed with us but right there next to us for all the middle of the night wake up calls!  The bouncy chair was so affordable and Ava LOVED it. Definitely a must have for the first few months before they start rolling over!  A breathable bumper was also super affordable and worked wonders once Ava started sleeping in her crib and her little legs and arms would get stuff between the slats.

*I know lots of mama’s to be will be reading this post and I always love hearing what you ladies couldn’t have done with out for your babies first year so PLEASE share!! xo

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  1. hey!

    your little one and blog are too cute! i have been reading for a little while and thought i would comment since my little is five months so i love to see a preview of what it coming up.

    our number one must have was the fisher price rock and play sleeper. it fit right next to my bed so i could hear every little whimper but it is approved for sleeping at an incline so it helps with gerd/colic.

    one thing we purchased which she didn't like was a swing! she hated it the first couple months and only used it briefly around 3 months.

    i didn't purchase a bouncer but wished i would have in hindsight. she sat in one yesterday for the first time at my aunts and loved the vibrations!! it's hard to justify the purchase at this point though as she wouldn't be using it for long.


  2. Love the co-sleeper, disposable placemats, and my trusty Medela Pump In Style breast pump too! I wrote a post on my faves a while back:

    Do you still use a bumper for Ava? I'm looking to purchase a soft, cushioned one since my 1-yr-old moves so much in his sleep but heard that it's not good when they're older because they can use it to climb out of their crib.

    I've heard lots of good things about the Baby Cook – maybe I'll add that to my list if I have another baby 🙂

  3. the handsfree bra for the pump was a must for me!! i couldn't stand sitting there just holding the bottles so i got one of those bras and was able to read magazines or do some homework.

  4. The zoli container is one of my fav products ever, it's always in my diaper bag! & triple paste is def the best diaper cream, it's the only one that actually treats diaper rash after one use… In B's case anyway 🙂 Great list momma!

  5. I definitely needed my bottle warmer, boppy, monkey bouncer was an absolute must!
    There are so many products that a baby doesn't need this was a great post and I always love your ideas for products! My Son Grey will be six months next week! I also couldn't have lived without his wubbanub pacifier! He loves that thing!

  6. Thanks for sharing, Andee! My LO is 11 months and I've been eying the MJ diaper bag since he was a 2 month old! Do you think it would still be a good investment?

    1. i definitely think its a great investment ….also if you purchase it buy it from Nordstroms if for whatever reason it starts to fall apart they will exchange it for you for a new one! We've used ours SO much and its still going strong a year later!

  7. LOL Chad always carries the diaper bag as well ;). I really need to get a white noise maker, for now we have been using the iPad with a sound app downloaded, which is fine ha – but a little expensive for a sound machine if you as me ;).
    Great picks!

  8. Great post Andee! Mine is now 6.5 months and I have some absolute must haves to…let me see if I can condense them. 1. Co-sleeper (we had the same one as you) 2. Baby Jogger City Mini GT stroller (best stroller, folds easy and the wheels are great on snow and ice), 3. MacLaren Volo umbrella stroller – for trips. 4. Ergo – fore my baby dance classes and DH loves wearing Sofia in it too. 5. Anais and Aden blankets and sleepsacks – use these everyday. 6. Humidifier by Crane – must have in baby's room during winter. 6. Bouncy seat – life saver for the first 4 months. 7. Breast pump – I also have the same one as you and still use everyday. 8. Baby Einstein activity centre – Sofia loves this one!

  9. I cannot recommend the hands-free pumping bra enough! I have a 3-year-old son and an 8-month-old daughter and I didn't know this bra existed when I was breastfeeding my son. 8 months into my nursing relationship with my daughter, this bra is pretty much the best baby item I own. 🙂 When I'm pumping at work I can check emails or surf the web on my iphone, or do work, or write thank-you notes or what have you…at home I can have my laptop on my lap or even sit on the floor, like last night when I pumped while simultaneously folding laundry! It is amazing and has totally saved me time and made pumping so much easier and more comfortable. I cannot say enough about it!

  10. Baby monitors? I am looking for a new one for our toddler son with a large screen in casehe sneaks out of his new bed. Any recommendations?

    1. omg i seriously don't know how i forgot to put my Summer Infant monitor on this list…it is without a doubt my #1 baby MUST have. Love that monitor and highly recommend!

  11. I must agree with lots of these things, also an ergo baby carrier with infant insert, fisher price jungle mobile for the cot, and chicco baby walker. Our alternative to the white noise machine has been a water sounds CD which still helps my son sleep at 17 months… i'm actually getting slightly concerned that we'll never be able to stop using it!

  12. Great list! My top 3 must-haves after raising 3 babies – baby swing, video monitor that you can view from iPhone, and a Medela breast pump. There are so many other baby essentials, but I can't imagine the baby year without these. Having a baby is so gear intensive!

  13. I have to agree with the co sleeper, bounce chair, breathable bumper! also, I purchased not the hands free pump but the bra that makes it hands free and it was the best $40 I ever spent!

  14. Love your blog.I agree hands free pump is the only way to go.I bought some really cheap bras and cut small holes in them. That worked really well with my medela pump. It worked so well that when I told my friend about what i did she did the same thing.LOL. It's so much cheaper. Plus the bras I got were way cuter then the ones they sale.

  15. Awesome post, thanks Andee! I'm due in June with my first (and your beautiful friend Bekah will be one of her aunties 🙂 we used to work together) and I love hearing what other mamas have loved having for their little ones. Did you happen to supplement with formula (or had some on hand just in case)? If so, what brand did you prefer? Love the blog!! 🙂

    1. awwww Hi Katie! So happy for you and any friend of Bekahs is a friend of mine 😉 Congrats to you in advance! I know the amount of baby products out there was seriously overwhelming for me. I started supplementing formula at around 7 months and we used Earth Best organic formula. It is pretty pricey though so I can't wait for her to start whole milk next month! We also had her on Gerber good start (or gentle start) and that worked well with her too. Its not organic but much cheaper! Hope this helps! xoxo

    2. Thanks so much!! As if everything else isn't overwhelming enough, the formula options just tack onto that 🙂 I'm just leaning on the experiences of friends and hoping they can point me in the right direction of this stuff!! I'll be jotting Earth Best down for when the time comes! Again, love the blog! Hopefully next time you come for a visit, we can all grab a beverage together! I hear about you all the time!

  16. oh i love you for posting this!! i've been wanting to ask you if you have any book recommendations for sleep training/schedule? what worked for you? can't believe that gorgeous girl is going to be one already!!!

  17. My daughter is only 3 months old, but I already have developed a 0-3 month must have list!

    1. Fisher Price Snug-a-Bunny Swing – We have 2 of these, one upstairs and one downstairs. Baby loves to sleep and nap in them. 2. Dr. Brown's Wide-Neck Bottles – These are the best and really cut down on air bubbles. 3. UppaBaby Vista Stroller – I am obsessed with this! I use it every chance I can. Violet did not like the bassinet, but we too purchased a Maxi-Cosi carseat adaptor. 4. Graco Sound Machine – This does not turn off after 20 minutes like the sound on the mobile and swing, so it is a lifesaver! 5. Halo Swaddle Blankets – These are AMAZING and the baby can't really break out of them so they work wonders. Violet is instantly soothed when put in one and rocked to sleep. 6. Tiny Love Gymini Bouncer – At 3 months, Violet finally loves this. She will sit in it for a long time – sometimes an hour and a half! 7. Circo Flannel Receiving Blankets – We have a spitter! These are used as amazing burp cloths and help prevent us from constantly having to change our shirts. The Target Circo brand ones are in cute patterns and very soft. 8. Aden + Anais Burpy Bib – These are great to wipe up spit up and have double function as a bib! Cute patterns and soft muslin material. 9. Safety First Play Yard w/Changing Table- we use this downstairs for changing and mini naps. Very useful! 10. Sleep and Plays – These are so crucial because it makes changing the baby so much easier. We only started putting Violet in "real clothes" when she was about 1 month old but we still use these when we are just staying home for the day or for sleeping. Those are my top ten…for now!

  18. Although ugly as hell I cannot recommend the activity center enough.
    I was given a bright colorful Fisher Price version for my babyshower and my first thought was: "that thing is going to ruin the style of our living room".
    Only 2 months later when Pippa was born I thought "how could I have survived without that thing?" (even if it was still ugly as hell) 🙂


  19. What is the name of the high chair you purchased? The link says it is no longer available at bed bath & beyond. Love the look! Would coordinate well with my house.


  20. Hey Andee! Where did you register? Im having trouble deciding where I will have the most options. I was thinking Target and baby's r us, but I can't register for the UPPAbaby stroller if i do… any advice?

  21. Hey Andee.. I just registered for the Uppa Baby Vista stroller and am considering the UppaBaby Mesa carseat which clicks in, but i've read mixed reviews. Which car seat did you guys go with for the stroller and did it fit Ava comfortably right out of the hospital?


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