Baby Picks & Men’s Gift Guide

As promised last week, here is my Men’s Gift Giude as well as my current baby picks! Lets just say I was having WAY to much fun shopping for little boys clothes! Who knows maybe the next time around i’ll be able to do more of this! 😉

*Click on the set for more details

Gap is offering 20% off use code “GAPGIFT”
The Childrens Place is offering 25% of use code “N3K2012”
Old Navy is offering 15% off use code “ONGIFT”

*Click on the set for more details
I know its to early for bikini season but I just had to scoop up that animal print bathing suit and hat for Ava! How adorable is that little peplum style onesie and those little animal hats?!!

*Click on the set for details
We’ve decided to go back to the east coast for Christmas (oh dear for another flight with the babe) so I’m stocking up on some layering pieces for Ava. I can’t wait for her to be able to fit in those little Hunter rain boots!

*Click the set for details
My hubby pretty much just emails me links to things that he wants each year which makes shopping for him pretty easy. Here are some of things we’re loving. You can’t go wrong with Khiels products. Their gift sets are perfect for any man in your life. Your dad, brother and even grandpa would love these! I purchased the Treton slip on rain boots for my hubby a couple years ago (in black) and he has used them a ton! Another item that gets tons of use is this iPad case with keyboard. I bought it for the hubs on fathers day and he uses it daily!

*Click the set for details
If you’re looking for a bigger ticket item i’m a HUGE fan of Tumi luggage. Whether its a carry on, toiletry case, wallet, duffle bag or satchel this gift will definitely be appreciated! The quality and style is amazing! While they are investment pieces they’re not CRAZY expensive. I’ve purchased a few of these pieces for my husband and he has been using them every time we travel for the last 7 years!! I’m also a huge fan of Urban Outfitter V-neck tees. My husband is super laid back and casual so he wears these ALL the time! The quality is great for the price point!  Lastly you can’t go wrong with the classic aviators or wayfarer from Ray Ban. Pretty much every guy looks great in these styles!

I always love hearing what gifts you ladies are giving your men as well?!

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  1. Love your little girl picks! Ughh, if only they made those items in our size. Haha. And thanks for adding coupon codes; that's handy.

    As for the Man in my life, I have a few little things here and there…but nothing huge. We like to concentrate on our children and other family members instead of ourselves; however, he does have a few gifts to be excited about…Sons of Anarchy soundtrack bundle, tools from Lowe's, and a secret stocking to take back to work with him!

    -Brittany of @suburbchicblog

    xo! Happy Holidays <3

  2. Those baby picks are adorable! I saw that animal print suit this morning while browsing Baby Gap and had to buy it, good to know I'm not the only one planning ahead 😉

  3. First I have to say I stumbled upon your blog while on Pinterest recently and I'm obsessed! I was actually looking at nursery ideas, as I am expecting a baby boy in march 🙂 I absolutely LOVE what you did with your daughter's nursery, and I would love your opinion/ideas on what to do for a boy's nursery! Thanks! – Danielle

    1. thank you thats so nice to hear! Isn't PInterest the best for inspiration?! I think the key with any nursery is to make it personal, things that have meaning to you and the dad to be! Congrats on your babe on the way! Truly such an exciting time! xo

  4. Such cute pics for both boys and girls! You and your hubby would make such a handsome little guy! Any thoughts on when your next time around might be? I have an 8 month old and I'm trying to figure it out myself!

    1. thank you… My hubby is ready to go right now but Im thinking maybe in another year or so. I have my hands FULL with this little lady right now and want to enjoy all these fin stages with her. Congrat to you on your little babe as well xo

  5. okay so now i have to buy that bathing suit and grey onesie after seeing this!! so stinkin cute! so fun that you are going to the east coast for xmas…maybe ava will see her first snow!?!

  6. I know someone who would really appreciate that black v-neck t-shirt above.

    So for me, I love scarves for guys, but they're usually really expensive (probably worth it, quality-wise, but still). So I was pretty excited when I found a gorgeous flannel scarf that has a fantastic pattern is less than 25 bucks:

    Makes me wish winter lasted a little longer (famous last words, right?) LOL

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