A Baby GIRL!

As previously mentioned on the Honeybee Facebook page we found out were having a baby girl!!! Its so strange because all my life I had just pictured my self with all boys. My husband and I already had our boys named picked out (since before pregnancy) but I just had this feeling about a month ago that it was a girl. Did any of you moms have that feeling like you knew what sex your baby was? We always said that as long as the baby was healthy we don’t care what we have (although I was still secretively rooting for a boy ;). My sister in law said it best before we went in for our ultrasound. She said “No matter what sex it is, it will be what you’ve always wanted”. It was so sweet and I think she was totally right! My husband is glowing and can’t wait for her to be a daddy’s girl! She has no idea how easy it will be to get her way with him! So now we are preparing for our little baby A. (Still keeping the name hush hush as you know family always tries to put in their expert opinion haha) With this news now I get to start planning!! Here are some nurserys that I feel in love with on Pinterest…

Im not a big pink person so these nurserys are right up my alley. Although I think I will add a bit more color.

I just LOVE the chandeliers in both these nursery’s!

Living in Miami has been a bit of an adjustment and we are still uncertain if this is a permanent change for us. Unfortunately we signed this lease for our loft before we found out we were pregnant. There is no room to make a nursery so I have been having a bit of a rough time with that as I feel like it helps with the whole “nesting” process. Our lease is up a few months after baby A is born so I guess the nursery will just have to wait till then. xo

*I’m looking for more books to read if you girls have any recommendations! Also products you loved during pregnancy i’d LOVE to hear about them as well! xoxo

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  1. Such exciting news – it's so much fun finding out the gender – I admire the sentiment behind waiting until the birth, but I'm WAY too impatient for that LOL!

    I did a post on all my best pregnancy tips here – if you wanted to read it:

    I guess my best tip would to use a lot of different stretchmark lotions…I religiously used one and STILL got stretchmarks – wish I had been trying out a couple of different ones…

  2. Congratulations! Baby girls are so much fun! You won't even need a nursery for the first few months… just a bassinet by your bed basically so you don't even need to stress! One of my favorite books when I was pregnant was Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay. It's funny and a quick read!

  3. I love the furniture and style of the first nursery – just my opinion that maybe you can do another color besides cream (or pink) that won't suffer as much from baby messes. Congrats again!

  4. Omg Im so happy for you as I read this post I love babay girls and I know you two are so anxious and joyous to wait baby girls arrival, and I can already tell she will def be a lil daddys girl! Aww I look forward to more baby updates!

  5. I am so excited for you!! Make sure you are using Palmer's Cocoa Butter (or a similar product) everyday, if you aren't already. Trust me!!

  6. @Ellaprettyblog thanks so much im going to check it out now!
    @raegina i am currently using that and will be trying Mustela soon (think thats the name of it) Although i hear its pretty much genetics that determines if you get them or not but girl im still going to use the creams just in case! 😉
    @Jeweliette23 TOTALLY agree love! I like the look of the light colors but not sure how practical it will be either! xo

  7. Congratulations! She will be a beauty. She won't spend much time in her nursery for the first few months, so don't feel bad about not having enough space. All she needs is the two of you.

  8. @piNK AND FABULOUS ill def check that book out! My girlfriend also recommended that one to me! As for the bassinet by the bed totally agree and we were planning on doing that anyway so i think it was just more the mental preparation of putting together a nursery xo

  9. Congrats! You're one stylish mama! Belly laughs by Jenny McCarthy isn't exactly the most informative book on pregnancy but it sure made me laugh so hard I cried. I wasn't pregnant but I still loved reading it.

  10. Yay for a little girl! I really like the photos you posted above. The white, and the crystals are such a modern take on the baby nursery. 🙂 I'm so happy and excited for you! Congratulations!!

  11. Congrats! I have 2 girls and they are such a blessing.

    My mom always tells the story about when I was born and came home from the hospital. My parents had just moved into a new house and because I came early, they didn't have the crib set up. They pulled out a drawer in a dresser, arranged blankets inside and that was my "crib" for a few days. Can you imagine?

    Not safe and certainly not glamorous, but my mom said we were all happy as clams. Just goes to show you….all of that stuff can wait as long as everyone is healthy and happy! Your nursery will be gorgeous in your 2nd Miami home!

  12. Awww congrats!! So so happy for you!! I have to say I'm pretty happy you're having a girl since she'll be one gorgeous, chic, well-fashioned little lady 😉 Can't wait to follow you more on this journey! 🙂

  13. Congrats doll!! I had a feeling you guys were having a little girl. She will be a healthy lil cutie!! You will have a little shopping partner! ;0) how pretty those pics of the nursery, me too I am not a pink person but i like the style of the second & first pic. Xo

  14. she is one lucky baby girl to have a mom like you! what a fashionista she is going to be!! congrats to you and hubby!! those nursery's are gorgeous!! xo

  15. Congrads Honeybee! What a great surprise! The 3rd one is my fav. I love the chandelier and mirror chest. You are beautiful and I love your blog. I just discovered it this week! Beauty.Art.Love ~Artista

  16. I can just imagine all the excitement as you find out more about your new family member!! I would LOVE to hear what skincare products you are using and what books you are reading. Not pregnant but would love to learn from the experts for when it's my turn. 🙂 Best wishes!

  17. Congrats Andee!!! A sweet baby girl, what a blessing. It's funny how you were hoping for a boy because most women want a baby girl so they can dress her up in adorable little outfits, boys clothing is limited after all. I don't have any kids but I have many friends who do and it was much more shopping for a girl baby shower than a boy's so trust me you're going to enjoy that aspect of it 🙂

  18. same here i knew i was havin a girl and a 2nd one too but i always pictured my self with 2 girls and i did also had boys named pick out first and my girls name was until the very end when i sign papers… also where r u thinking of going since both arent so sure of miami.. i love it der so peacefil and weather is great. i live in nyc and i miss it der

  19. Congratulations Andee!!! I had my baby girl first and let me tell you-she is my best little friend in the whole world. I would be lost without her. My H is equally in love with her too 🙂 She will change your lives more than you can imagine. I am SO EXCITED for you!! I wouldn't worry about the lack of nursery space too much, especially if it's only for the first couple of months. To be honest, our kids spent like one night in their own rooms when they were infants. lol. I found nursing to be so much easier if I just kept the baby nearby. A bassinet will be just fine for the first few months. In my opinion, haha. Also-I wanted to tell you guys to take advantage of the Florida Prepaid College Program while you're living in FL–it's awesome!! xo

  20. Awww so exciting!! Congratulations! Love the nursery inspirations. So chic. Someone I know had twin and she said an old lady told her to use grape seed oil to avoid stretch marks and she used it through out the whole pregnancy and she didn't get any at all. And it's all natural so can't hurt. As for books I don't know since I don't have kids but I've seen recommendations for Jenny McCarthy's book Belly Laughs.

  21. Soooo EXCITING!!! I bet you are just over the moon! 🙂 Seriously your shopping habits are about to go into overdrive! I was just about to post about some of my favorite outfits I have bought for baby girl's closet so far! 🙂 Congratulations to you!

  22. Awww a girl! So exciting! You can take her shopping and she will be a gorgeous fashionista just like you! I CAN'T wait until she comes, I'm currently obsessed with all things baby and I think you'll be a wonderful (hot) mom haha! Also, I'm sure you've read it before on my blog but I loved "Feeding Baby Green", "Happiest Baby on the Block", and "Babywise" 🙂

  23. @Artista thanks so much love! Glad you like it! xoox
    @SS Yes I will definitely put together a little list of pregnancy products!
    @Ally i think this is going to be more trouble haha

  24. You guys are awesome with your suggestions!
    @Maria im definitely going to snagging all three of those this weekend! Do you have any other prego products you recommend?!
    @JillMarie thanks love ill look into that one too!

  25. I am so happy for you!!! Girls are so easy!! I agree with the not stressing over the nursery space, you will probably have her near your bed for the first couple of months anyway. I love that first nursery it's gorgeous, sticking to neutral colors is probably a smart idea, that way you can reuse the stuff if you want 😉

  26. Congratulations! I am 16 weeks in my second pregnancy. During my first, i used Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil with great success. No stretch marks, so i am using it again with this pregnancy. Looking forward to seeing more of your "maternity" outfit ideas.

  27. Congrats! so exciting. I have 2 girls and they are just so much fun. My youngest is so girly and already into my makeup and stuff but it is so cute!! You will have so much fun =)

  28. i accidentally stumbled upon your blog and 1) i already like it just based on your first posting and 2) i also pictured myself having all boys but as soon as i found out i was pregnant i just had this feeling it was a girl. i even had a dream verrrry early in my pregnancy where i was saying–er more like yelling, "i just can't wait to meet my baby girl"! i was right and kindall grace was born last december 27th! congrats….now that i have a girl, i want more girls (my husband will quickly disagree)!

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