Baby Bean

If you follow the Honeybee on Facebook you already know but I want to share with you ladies that we are having a baby!!!!!!! I wanted to wait to share the news till I was out of my first trimester and we are so excited and a bit nervous! 😉 Stephen accepted the job in Miami and about a week before we moved here we found out I was pregnant! It was a lot to take on at once but we couldn’t be more thrilled! Im so excited to share this new experience with you girls!

Baby Bean 13 weeks!

I haven’t had any real morning sickness (just a little nausea from time to time) but I have had a horrible metal taste in my mouth but I guess that should be subsiding now that Im in my second trimester. Yeah!!! I feel like I started showing a bit early too (around 10 weeks) I definitely have a little bump going on now.

Mommies out there please feel free to lay on any advice and any words of wisdom!

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  1. congratulations! I follow your blog but never really commented before today. You seem so sweet and I"m sure you will be a great Mommy! Keep us posted 🙂

  2. Congratulations! As a mom….my bit of advice–everyone has parenting opinions for YOUR baby. Whether it's breastfeeding, sleep training, or potty training-everyone (even peeps without kids)will have an opinion as to what is best for YOUR child. Just shake your head, say "thank you", then do what YOU feel is right. Take care! XOXO

  3. i am soo excited you are expecting!! I have been following your blog for a while now and LOVE your style. I am 21 weeks pregnant right now and needs some style help. I am not a fan of the tieundertheboob/iclearlyamgrowingababy shirts. :)i can't wait to see what cute preggo clothes you put together!!

  4. as clueless about motherhood as you may feel now… once that baby is put in your arms you will know exactly what to do. you will be a great mom! congrats to the two of you 🙂

  5. Congrats!! You are going to be the most beautiful preggo lady ever! My suggestion for any new mom is that if you are going to need childcare when baby comes…start looking into it now! Good ones have long wait lists.

  6. Congratulations!! So exciting! My advice to you is that especially since its your first child, other moms are going to try to tell you what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong and you should do this and that (even if you don't ask for their advice) but do what you feel is better for your baby because every child is different! Lol

  7. It will be a very beautiful baby, you look amazing so does your man!
    I wish you the best of luck!
    I'm so thrilled for you.
    Please keep us updated with your baby news.

    Big kiss


  8. Congratulations!! You'll love being a mum, theres no feeling like it in the world! And the kicks and squirms as your carrying them… aw id love to do it all again. I have quite a few pregnancy posts on my blog if you fancy a read, I grew to a huge size, so dont freak out, it doesnt happen to everyone!haha!

  9. Andeeeeeeee, YESSSS! CONGRATULATIONS, I'm so happy for you, awwww!!! 😀 U will be a great stylish mum, take care of yourself and oil up! E mail me with anything if u have any questions about ANYTHING! xXx

  10. Omg congratulations a child is a blessing and so honored that you are sharing this with us. I cant wait to see your progress and how cute you will look all stylish as always. Plus it gived me ideas for when I go through this as we plan on having a fam in a year or so. Again im so happy for you. xoxo

  11. That is SO wonderful! Congratulations!! Don't let all of the random advice people will give you (complete strangers on the street will) get to you! Just do what makes you feel comfortable and try to enjoy it all because nine months goes by shockingly fast!!

  12. Girl, you know I love babies since I have 3 of them!! Big huge congrats. You are going to be a pregnant mama everyone will be enviable of bc you have great style and it's actually pretty fun dressing a baby bump- what a blessing. I could go on and on and on with advice, so feel free to email me or post a comment/question on my blog with whatever you are curious about. Now I see why your hubby got you that huge cupcake- he's trying to plump up that baby!! Ha!!

  13. OMGOMGOMG SO EXCITING!! Congrats to the 3 of you lol. You are going to be the most beautiful, fashionable, healthy Mom I'm so excited to hear abt all the fun stuff that comes w/ preparing for a baby 🙂 Best of luck!

  14. Congrats! I'm so excited for you 🙂 I can't wait fo baby posts, I'm sure you'll keep us posted. I know my time will come soon enough so I can't wait for you to share your experience!

  15. YAYYYYYYY!!!! Congratulations, Andee! I am so happy for you and your husband 🙂 You will be a beautiful and wonderful mother. I wish you and your baby all of the health in the world. Take advantage of being pregnant such as sleeping a lot, extra eating, and being lazy haha. Also, strangers are extra nice too 😉

  16. Yaaaaay!

    Awwwwwww….congratulations!!!!! I so agree with what Dana said (The Dishy Decorator), that´s also my advice as a mom of two 😉
    You should also read Baby Laughs by Jenny McCarthy 😉
    Awwwww, I´m so happy for you! 😉
    xo Doro

  17. Congratulations Andee! There is nothing like your first pregnancy and that magical time with your first baby, it's so amazing. Enjoy every minute!

  18. EKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! congrats babes! wow that is so much to take in, for me at least!…with you and your hubbies genes this baby is going to be gorgeous!!!

  19. OMG! That's amazing. I'm super excited for you. Congratulations!!! I am also a mom… I have a boy, he's 6 🙂 It's another world altogether but it's a wonderful time. Best wishes to you and your husband from sunny Australia 🙂 You will make a wonderful mother 🙂 X.

  20. @alphablonde haha thanks girl!! xoxo @Doro thank love a girlfriend already bought it for me! half way done! 😉 @Jennysue I know he is already bringing home tons of fatty food trying to plump me up!!! haha
    @cece thank you for commenting now! thats the best part of blogging is hearing your guys response xo

  21. Congratulations!!!! Your having a baby bee!! I wish you well (inshallah) i have been a blog follower of yours for a while now and i think you are beautiful, down to earth and you deserve every bit of happiness!!

    Enjoy, G (London) :)))xx

  22. OMG!!!! I am so happy to hear your amazing news!!! I just had my first baby 3 weeks ago and he is the BEST!!! Enjoy your pregnancy and just wait till you feel the baby moving around…you will fall so in love with your baby!!! You are going to have the most beautiful baby!!! Congrats to you both!!!

  23. Congratulations!! I just started reading your blog and it's amazeballs. I especially like all the fresh information you give. BTW, I've never had children but I hear the brands Mustela/Bio-oil, are must haves for expectant mommies. Congrats again and I look forward to reading more from you!

  24. Congratulations Andee thats such amazing news!!! I dont have any children yet so I dont have any advice, but im sure youre going to be an amazing mother! I wish you a smooth amazing pregnancy =)

  25. @anonymous thank you so much lovely! @desiree thanks girl! im hoping to avoid "maternity" clothing! Well see how long i can go 😉
    @Sarah thanks love, i hope so! xoox
    @Intheknow Ive heard great thinks about both those brands too! Thanks for sharing and ill def be looking into them!

  26. Congratulations!! So happy for you!
    I have a little nephew, he's almost 4 months now. I love him so much. Never felt this before.
    And i can only imagine how it feels when it's your own baby.

    Enjoy your pregnancy!!

    Love Valerie from the Netherlands

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