Ava’s Purple Nursery

Hi lovelies! Sorry this post is way overdue! Being that we moved right after Ava was born I had to wait to put together her nursery but it is FINALLY finished!!! I’m still bummed I didn’t get to have this “nesting” experience while I was pregnant but am happy with the final outcome. Here are a few pictures I wanted to share and hope you ladies like it as well! 
I went with a really soft lavender and gray color combination mixed with some silver accents.  
The crib is from Pottery Barn kids and converts into a toddler bed and eventually a big girl bed, so hopefully it will last us for years to come! The fitted sheet and crib skirt are also from Pottery Barn Kids.The bumper isn’t as pretty as I wanted but its a “breathable” one and has been great so far!

I love these prints I purchased from Etsy!
Our changing table is from IKEA and I just swapped out the knobs for some distressed mercury knobs from Anthropologie. The silver mirror is also from IKEA.

Im so happy with this bookshelf I ordered from Target! We filled it with a framed quote, map and books that hold special meaning to us. On top I filled some baskets with her diapers and baby products.
 *Note this room was a guest room and the t.v. was already mounted so Ava scored with getting to have a t.v. in her room. It was not installed for her 🙂 

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  1. i love her nursery! purple is my favorite color (= her room is so chic and girly at the same time. i love the prints from etsy, especially the frenchie! is lou allowed in her room? kimchi sheds so much he`s only allowed in certain areas even without a baby haha.

  2. Love Love Love!
    The Colors are Beautiful! Everything about it's Perfect! and don't feel bad that you just now finished her nursery. My baby girl was born in March and i still have a few things i haven't finished 🙂 Thank you for sharing the pictures, looks Beautiful!:)

  3. Andee I love this! Such an inspiration! 🙂 You guys did great! When I saw the TV, I was like, "Wow, Ava's got it made! LOL"- love the idea though! Everything looks so perfect, and cozy! What is the model make of the crib? I know you mentioned Pottery Barn, but I'd like to know the model make if possible!- thanks! Tiffany

  4. Her nursery came out so great! Love it! 😉 I bought Sophia's bumper from Serena & Lily, only to take it off per our doctor's request, so I'll have to look into the breathable bumper now that we are transitioning to the crib! xo

    1. thanks girl! I was so surprised how many stores still sell the bumpers after i kept reading about the increase in SIDS etc it made me so paranoid. This one isn't the cutest but its been great. The first week we put Ava in the crib she would wake up crying bc he little arms and legs would be stuck between the slats. This one was around $20 from Babies R US and has been great. Hope the transition to the crib is going well!!! xo

  5. Hey love, what is the name of that Target bookcase? Looks perfect for our daughter's room (which we're currently redoing). Such a pretty, peaceful space! 🙂

    -xo, Brittany of Suburb Chic

  6. I love it!!! So much inspiration for my own…will have to refer back to this and ask you plenty of questions in a few months. Miss you…hope I get to meet Miss Ava soon, may be out on the west coast after Christmas if you guys are around. xoxo

  7. I absolutely love it. You picked the perfect pieces that will allow you to transition her into a big girl room one day. I adore the bookcase, my daughter needs one and will be definitely looking into this one. I also used a few pieces from Ikea for my girls nursery and let me tell you that I am glad I did because my daughters were a little curious opening drawers and they ended up breaking one. I didn't hurt at all because they were super affordable pieces and just waited until they got older to splurge on their bedroom furniture. Love it!!!!

  8. Your daughters room is sooooo beautiful!!!!
    I just found your blog and have really enjoyed following your posts!!
    If you don't mind me asking, what does your husband do for a living?

  9. It's a beautiful nursery Andee. Love the soft lavender walls……such a peaceful room. Lavender and gray is a pretty combination and the silver touches add the perfect touch of elegance for a sweet little girl.

  10. hahaha i wouldn't judge you if Ava had a tv in her room. The pottery barn crib is so fancy, but I love that you picked a crib that has multiple functions.

    I really like the mama and baby giraffe too. Very sweet.

  11. This is such a beautiful nursery, amazing job! Where did you get the letter "A" and is it in silver? I've been looking for a larger "A". Also, love the metal pedestal table you have on the side of the glider. Where did you find that?

  12. Hi Andee! I have been reading your blog for awhile now but just had to comment on this post. The room is beautiful! It's soft, sweet, and girly, without being too BABY PINK OVERLOAD. Definitely bookmarking this for my next one!

    Can you tell me the etsy sellers of the prints? We just moved & am looking for some cute ones.

  13. You did a beautiful job! The room is so sweet & feminine! I absolutly love the frenchie silhouette print. Such a cute idea to incorporate a touch of your fur baby into the decor.

  14. Super cute, love the purple and grey together. Which etsy site didn't get the print from on the bookshelf! I love etsy they have everything got a few things there for our little lady's nursery too 🙂

  15. Good job! It looks really beautiful. Can you tell me what paint color is on the walls? We are still searching for the perfect shade of lavender for our baby girl's nursery.

  16. Help! I have the same bedding…and I need the perfect shade of paint for the walls. What did you use? Thanks!-Celeste

  17. I'm also interested in the names of the paint colors you ended up using in Ava's nursery! Also did you install the chair rail yourself or hire a contractor? I'd love to do something similar in our baby Ava's nursery as well! Thanks!

  18. Beautiful nursery! You may have already said but where did you buy your changing pad cover? Love the design!

  19. Hi – Adorable nursery! I am in the process of decorating our nursery for our baby coming in January and had a question for you on the color of the crib from pottery barn. We ordered their Kendall crib in simply white, but not that it is in the room it actually looks more of a cream/off-white vs. a true white. And the trim and decor in the room is actually white. Did you notice this with your crib and if so, did it bother you?

  20. I'm sure this is a long shot commenting on this so many months after it was posted, but just in case you check this – I am searching desperately for an adorable alphabet print on Etsy to use in my daughter's nursery, and I stumbled upon these photos. Is there any way you still recall the seller that you purchased the alphabet print from?? Beautiful room design! 🙂

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