Ava’s One Year Update!

I’m positive i’m the hundredth mom to say I can’t believe my baby is already a 1 year old! It truly has flown by (although I will admit there have been some days that felt like forever lol). All in all each month is better than the last and Ava’s little personality is totally blossoming! She is so sweet with a side of sass! She loves giving kisses, blowing kisses and waving non stop! She is a dancing machine and does this hysterical head movement I’m trying to capture on video! She says mama, dada and a sweet mumbled “I luh you”. The hubby and I are really loving this stage especially because she is SO playful!  We recently made the switch to whole milk so bye bye to formula! This lady loves her food and eats practically everything were eating!

We have curls…and lots of them! 
Our little lady can wear 12-18 mth clothing but not for long! Were only buying 18-24mth now so it will last us a little longer. How adorable are these little racerback tanks and romper from Target?! I wish my clothes only cost $8! 
Precious moment when memaw was in town! On a side note if you’re in OC I recommend cocktails or dinner at Splashes at the Surf and Sand resort in Laguna. I hadn’t been in forever and forgot how much I enjoyed this spot!  It’s frequently overlooked because of the larger resorts in Laguna but this one’s a gem and its right on the sand! Lalalaove this spot! They also take reservations which is a bonus in Laguna if you have little ones 😉
There’s also a lot of this going on…
Her favorite thing to do is pull everything out of my drawers and put herself in the drawer. That’s cute for awhile but she over 23 lbs so not sure how much longer my drawers can take that…not to mention its not very safe. Needless to say baby proofing is in full effect!  We’ve installed the baby gates and locks on drawers. I’ve tried several different kinds and linked to the ones we love below. 
The way our cabinets were designed its impossible to install the inner drawer locks, so we’ve resorted to this (hey whatever works)…
These two products below we tried and WOULD NOT recommend. There are better options out there.
 We started with this Summer infant gate and current have it installed at the top and bottom of our stairs, but will be replacing them. The lock on it is not the strongest. If Ava shakes on it hard enough it will pop open. That definitely defeats the purpose of having a gate so I don’t recommend this one. Also those cabinet locks are a joke, with one hard tug this little lady has those off in an instant. Don’t waste your money on those cabinet locks. 
These are the products we use, love and  RECOMMEND
These cabinet locks are affordable and work great! I also really love these Regalo baby gates and they work WAY better than the Summer gates. They come in two sizes so make sure you measure your space first as we needed the extrawide. We are also loving the Dr.Browns sippy cups and find they don’t leak as easily. She has no problem drinking water from the sippy cup but still prefers her milk in a bottle. ;( Any tips on transitioning them from a bottle to sippy cup would be appreciated! Maybe another brand that your baby likes drinking milk out of?!

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  1. Awwwwww!!! Sleeping beauty looks so angelic in the first photo!! Can't believe how time has flown by – it seems like yesterday she welcomed the world. 🙂 God Bless!!

  2. Our pediatrician said to put a tiny bit of ovaltine in the milk in the sippy cup to make it more appealing and also try giving her the sippy without the leak proof insert to make it easier to drink out of. You can also try switching her bottle to a very low flow nipple to make the effort not worth it. Fortunately, our little one (she's 14 months now) had zero issues letting go of the bottle but I have some friends who are having some issues. Good luck! And doesn't Target have the cutest dang baby clothes? Makes it easy(er) to pass by Gymboree. Most of the time.

  3. omg LOVE her little curls!!! what a little sweetie! what outlet covers (if any) did you guys like? We are in the process of baby proofing and I am a little overwhelmed with so many options! Thanks!!

  4. OMG she is so precious, I love that photo of her sleeping what looks like her car seat. Oh yeah, I'm with you on how fast time flies! My little boy is almost 9 months now and I still remember the puffy faced, screaming bundle that we brought home from hospital. Time, slow down!

  5. what a beautiful little girl! I can't advise on sippy cups and baby proofing as I'm yet to experience it myself…But what I can say is that those outfits of hers are absolutely adorable! Buying clothes for little ones is as exciting as updating our own wardrobes! 😀
    Have a great weekend! Hope you get the baby proofing sorted. Especially the drawer situation – it is very cute to see, though. But Like you said, probably something that the drawers wont handle too well for much longer 🙂

  6. Oh Ava is sooo cute! She says I love you!! Target has great baby outfits, I love some of their lady clothes too 😉 let us know how the bottle transition goes. I'm still working on Gia and having a harder time. Xo

  7. Love that you included what did and didn't work. We have a gate at the top of the stairs, but I think we need some more for downstairs… little bugger is everywhere and she doesn't even fully walk!

    1. yes I definitely thought it would help showing the ones to avoid as well! Ava isn't walking on her own just yet either but that doesnt stop her from being EVERYWHERE lol The gates were definitely a must for us!

  8. Her curls are so sweet! I don't know if I'll have children, but it's precious pictures like that one that give me "baby fever".

  9. Her eyelashes and curls are perfect. 🙂 I would love to see a little video of her dancing or saying "I LUH YOU!" hehe So cute. Thanks for sharing! xo

  10. Her lips are just perfection…what a beautiful little lady!! I have a 15 month old at home and had a hard time transitioning her from a bottle to a sippy, as well. After trying a TON of cups, I had luck with a soft-spouted sippy- specifically Thinkbaby sippy and Nuk Silicone Soft-Spout. I know you can buy Nuk in the stores, but I believe Thinkbaby needs to be ordered- I got both of them off Amazon.

  11. Longtime follower of your blog, LOVE it! And thanks for sharing all of Miss Ava's favorite gear and baby tips in general. My little lady is a bit younger than yours so they have been super helpful! As for sippy cups, the only one that has worked for us so far is the Zoli, which is a straw cup. I know the Lollacup is also a straw cup and gets a ton of press but we've found that the straw is way too wide for younger babes. It'd be a great cup once she is used to the sippy and it's super cute too! Good luck with the transition!

    1. thank you! Thanks for the Zoli zippy cup recommendation as well…you are the second person to mention it so ill definitely be trying that one out! xo

  12. Your husband better watch out for all those boys who will be after Ava! What a cutie. They grow up so fast. I swear it was yesterday you were telling us the news on delivering Ava! Many more happy memories =)

  13. I used heavy duty stick on Velcro for those tricky cabinets. It is just strong enough that my twins would give up and assume it was locked, and by the time they were strong enough to open it, they had lost interest. Best part is how easy it peeled off once we were done with it.

  14. those curls–ahhh i am SO jealous!!! Ava really is one gorgeous dollface and I can't wait to see how much she changes this next year OXOX

  15. ANDEE LAYNE! Your BEYOND SUMPTUOUS bundle of joy is as EXQUISITE as her mother is TELEGENIC! Your Foodie blogs are wonderfully entertaining as they are informative and it is indeed a delight to catch up with at week's end! Keep up the incentivizing!
    Thanks from Vancouver!!

  16. OH my gosh, she is so cute. Your posts always make me so excited to be a mommy someday, if just for the baby clothes shopping alone 🙂

  17. LOVE Splashes! I got married at the Surf and Sand so i just love that resort 🙂

    I have a 2 year old who still loves his milk out of a bottle for naps (terrible…i know 🙂 ) so if you find a good sippy cup let me know!

  18. Thanks for the gate recommendations! Currently looking for ones right now. As for sippy cups, we're still in the process of weaning him, but found that it helps to "trick" him by adding a little milk to his cup of water and gradually increasing the amount until they're drinking 100% milk. I've heard of the ovaltine trick too – might have to try that myself.

    On another note … woman, that darling girl of yours is absolutely beautiful! My Lucas is banned from having girlfriends until he's 30, but I may just make an exception if he ever meets little miss Ava hahaha! =)

  19. what an adorable picture you took of Ava in the cabinet. She is beautiful! God bless her.

    If you get a sec, please check out my latest post 'Falling for Flowy'.



  20. She is BEAUTIFUL! My daughter just turned 4 months and I already think it is going by so fast. Don't you just want to slow down time? No wonder our parents cry on our wedding day. It is not because we are getting married, but because the time just went by so quickly.

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