Ava’s 4.5 Month Update

Our little darling is 4.5 months old now! We had our second round of shots yesterday and she did so well! She didn’t even cry! Im so glad because I was a hot mess last time we had her shots. Ava is weighing 18lbs and is 25.5 inches long. Our chunky babe is in the 97% percentile for weight! I had a billion questions for our pediatrician yesterday and felt so much better once we left her office. As I’m sure many of you moms know it is so hard deciding what is right for you and your baby! EVERYONE has such a different opinion on what you should do (even the peditricans) but every child and parent are so different. I totally agree with the “do whats best for you and your baby” but sometimes its hard to block out all the advice and leaves you second guessing yourself.
We moved Ava to her nursery for the first time last night(per our pediatricians recommendation) because we are trying to wean her off her night feedings. Ava was ready to be moved but mama was not! Having a baby changes you in so many different ways. I am not a super emotional person and don’t cry very often. Having a baby has softened me in way I never could have imagined. Last night before we moved her into her nursery I totally had a good cry because I was so sad for her to be moved into her room! My husband and I then had a good laugh as he reassured me it was okay and I could watch her on the monitor all night (which I did). All in all it was actually better sleep for for Ava and for us (minus my multiple wakings to check the monitor for her breathing! Hoping that will subside some in time).

We are getting these precious little smiles all the time now! I can’t wait for the giggles!!

I can just kiss this little face all day long!

Mama’s big girl at her doctors appointment! She melts my heart!

* I just finished Babywise and the Lulla-Baby sleep plan books. Now onto Healthy Sleep Habits Healthy Child. They are all so different but I am just taking what I like from them!

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  1. Oh my goodness, she is absolutely precious! She is going to be a little heartbreaker. Who does she take after you or your husband? You should post baby pics of the both of you side by side with hers to compare.

  2. I'm so happy Ava is doing well! I'm not a mom (yet) but everyone does seem to have tons of advice to give. I think sometimes it's welcomed, but other times it probably feels a bit overwhelming and frustrating! I think she is the cutest baby I've seen, and I always share your instagram pics with my fiance and mom. They think she's adorable too 🙂

  3. awww…she's such a cute chunky baby, just gorgeous Andee 🙂

    *also noting the baby books u're reading…I'm on mat leave as of next week and wanna get a tone of reading done before baby comes*

  4. ahh, she really is such a cutie pie =)… i am not a mum but i think i can understand you having a good cry – it just reminds you of how quickly they grow up, doesn't it? x

  5. Ava is so precious! I love chunky babies! Quick question: you mentioned in previous posts that you love the Mossimo tanks from Target (I think you may be wearing one in the above pics?). What do you pair them with? Any suggestions? Thanks!

    1. yes I'm wearing one in these pics they are very breastfeeding friendly 😉 I wear then with everything boyfriend jeans,skinny jeans, workout pants and maxi skirts. You can go wrong and they are like $10!!

  6. Good luck with the book- Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child! Hope it helps! It was a life saver for us 🙂 The biggest tips I took from it were – sleep begets sleep – the more sleep that babies get, the better and longer they sleep. Babies should be in bed at an earlier time, rather than later. They should only be up for about 2 hrs at a time during the day. And consistency is so important. Pick a method, and a night time routine (example – bath, book, bottle/nursing, bed) and stick to it.

    1. thanks so much Kelly Im anxious to start that one! I have heard that putting them down earlier makes them sleep longer so I don't know why my hubby and I try to keep her up till 7 when she gets fussy at 6. I guess i am just afraid that means she will wake up at 5 or 6 am! Ill be brave and try to put her down earlier one night!
      Great advice on picking a routine and sticking to it! We are trying to do that now and she does nap every 2 hours but unfortunately she only sleeps in 30 min stretches!

    2. We did the same thing with my daughter Sloane. She would be fussy at around 6 PM, but we were keeping her up till 8 because I thought it meant she would sleep longer. I think that's a common first mom mistake 🙂 I did the night sleep training at 12 weeks and waited till she was almost 16 wks for the nap training. Sloane would only take 30 min naps too. The nap training took a little longer for her to get used to – about a week or week and a half. But once we got on a napping schedule, it was great 🙂

    3. Hi Andee! I loved the book too. I agree with Kellyb; sleep begets sleep. Just start with small steps. Try 6:45 then 6:30 etc… You are going to do great. I felt the same way when my babies were little. Trust your motherly instincts and do what's right for you:). Marnie

  7. You have such a happy precious baby andee!! She looks so adorable. Give her lots of hugs and kisses, because when they grow older, they shy away from it, and say NO! :'( My daughter is learning no means no. LOL.

  8. Aw Andee, that gorgeous little face is too FAB for words! She's already got your photogenic qualities 😀 I can barely get my dogs outta the bed, I'm sure I'd smother my little one every change I get…but Mama knows best, so good call on the move!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  9. Ava is sooo gorgeous and getting so BIG! It seems like just other day you posted on your blog that you were pregnant.

  10. I must say your little one is adorable. My boy will be 2 in Oct. and it's hard to believe he was ever that small and chubby. I know you must hear this all the time but enjoy it while you can. They really DO grow up so quickly!

    Love reading your blog!

    Sima Something4Me.com

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