Our little love is 5 months!
Such a big girl sitting up in her tub now! Think its almost time to transition into the big bath!
If you follow me on Instagram you’ve seen pics of Ava in her Activity center. She LOVES this thing and mommy doesn’t mind it either. There are lots of different songs so it hasn’t driven me to crazy yet! I have zero complaints about this Step n Play from Fisher Price and HIGHLY recommend it if your looking for one!
Ava is doing so well in her big girl crib! As hard as we try to keep her up she is exhausted and goes to bed by 7pm! Its nice to have some alone time just for mommy and daddy but now she likes to wake up at 630am! What kind of bedtime and wake times do you moms have?! Is this the norm? Guess i’ll become a morning person after all lol. She also is a serial cap napper! 30 minutes four times a day. I wish we could get it to two longer naps but our pediatrician said some babies are just cat nappers.
I mentioned before that I read the Lulla Baby sleep plan and Babywise last month and we started sleep training. It took me a long time to work up the courage to start sleep training but it was SO worth it. The first couple nights were the worst but saw progress pretty quickly! Now we put Ava in her crib and she puts herself to sleep within 5 mins most days and without crying! We are also trying to get her on more of an eating schedule (not as strict as Babywise promotes) but Ava was a snacker before and now she pulls a FULL meal when she feeds.
Im still just exclusively breastfeeding her but she is DEFINITELY showing interest in what were eating. I think were going to start trying cereal with her soon!
Teething is in FULL effect as well! My poor babe is drooling up a storm and gnawing on everything!! We have a couple teething toys but she really loves cool cucumbers right now.
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These two together just MELT my heart |
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Memaw loves her girl…and she loves her memaw! |
I so wish our family lived closer, its so much better when they are around!
Every time I see Ava I just squee in delight! She's such a happy baby! Happy 5 months ^^
awww thanks love she totally brightens my day! even at 630 am lol
I can't believe she's 5 months old already – time is flying! Your family is so precious, thank you for sharing your journey with your new daughter 🙂
thank you Liz and thanks for following it 😉
She is adorable Andee! Love your blog – I made those lettuce wraps you posted about, and they were so good – they will now be a regular in our house! Thanks!
love to hear that! Aren't they so good! Ive already made them twice!
Ava just gets cuter by the day!! Love to hear how she's growing and developing…it's amazing how quickly they change! Trying to soak it all in! xo
seriously they change toooo quickly!!
oh my goodness- she is too precious!
thanks Cheryl xo
she is just so darn adorable!!
Happy 5 Months Ava! My daughter will be 4 months tomorrow, crazy how fast it goes! A is asleep by 730, wakes at 230 to feed, again around 530, and then is up for good around 7. So sounds like Ava schedule is right on track with the schedule. I read at this age they should be getting about 11-12 hrs of "night sleep", so seems right.
so funny that was Ava schedule like clockwork as well! 230 and 530 feedings till we moved her to crib and now just that one feeding at 430. I felt like 7 was to early for bedtime but glad to know your daughter is doing the same! xo
she's so beautiful!
What a beautiful baby! Her smile just lit up my day!
mine too 😉 thats so sweet of you!
Ava is adorable and so is your blog!!
As far as bedtime goes…my son (who is one) goes to bed between 630 and 700, falls asleep right away, and is up for the day around 630. I wish he'd sleep later, but after 12 hours, I know he's ready to get moving again and to eat. He was a catnapper, too, and is just now moving to one big nap a day. It's something to look forward to!
I recommend the Happy Baby cereal–it's been a favorite in our house!
glad were not alone because thats pretty much our schedule to! hoping we get one big nap too eventually! Thanks for the cereal recommendation!
just came across your blog..what cuteness..congratulations!! you are gorgeous lady!
thank you so much love! xo
Shes so adorable! x
Now is the time to try the baby cereals! I found that when my son Levi would eat cereal, or oatmeal, before his nap he would nap longer. I guess he was satisfied! 🙂 Ava is precious! Can't wait for the arrival of my little girl. Two months away.. Eeek!
Her rolls are quite possibly the cutest thing ever!! What a doll!
awww thanks Abbey!
She sounds like a really good baby (with sleeping and naps), and she's so cuddly. She might like cold cereal since she's teething. Although sometimes they want to chew on the spoon more than eat. 🙂
she really is a pretty good baby (knock on wood) so i def shouldn't complain. Good to know about the cold cereal! Thanks for the tip!
She is just beautiful! Congratulations Andee!
thanks Jacenda xxoox
hi! what kind of tub is she using in the top picture? 🙂
ill have to double check the name of it but its a pretty inexpensive one from Target
I swear you have the most picture perfect family and life! So jelly! xo
I've already seen these photos on Instagram – but they make me happy EVERY time I see them! What an adorable chubby HAPPY baby!! Love seeing photos of your perfect family. <3
thanks Soo!! xoxo
Ava sounds just like my daughter at that age (she's not 19mo)… The cat napping was so difficult for me to get used it!!! 30 min is just not enough time for mommy to accomplish anything!! Unfortunately, my daughter never got better with napping, she went down to three naps, then two and now we're down to one 30min nap a day, that just sounds exhausting in writing!!! But it sounds like you're on the right track with sleep training and a day schedule!! Good job!!
oh my lordy only one thirty min nap! Yes totally feel you on that not being long enough. I am running around like a crazy woman during those 30 min intervals to get stuff done haha
Hey Andee!! This is how Kelley goes (almost 7mo) 6:30 wake, naps 4 times a day 30 min each, in bed by 6pm. Ugh wish we could get up later than 6:30am too. By 10 am, I think it's 1pm and just become pooped. Oh the joys of parenthood! hahaha!! Your family is beautiful!! I wished we lived in orange county, we'd have a ball with our gals!!
they sound like they are on the exact same schedule lol and glad I'm no alone 😉 Wish you were in OC too!
she is soooooo beautiful Andee!!! Just like her momma :))) Sending you and your fam lots of <3
thanks Maryam! Muah xoxo
Look at those rolls! What a beautiful daughter you have there, Andee!
Although I don't have kids of my own, I've been a Nanny for the past 6 years-I've been through lots of transitions! It's tough- but it helps that she's such a sweetheart 🙂
Eat Cake
thanks Manda!!
What were the first few nights like? I'm deciding on sleep training but want real mom advice that have gone through it.
you know the first two or three nights were the worst (as i had heard from other moms) Luckily our little one didn't cry for a long long time like Ive heard can happen. The first two night she cried for like 25 minutes then the follow nights the crying got shorter and shorter. Now she goes down within 5 minutes and doesn't cry but just kind of talks herself to sleep. it is SO hard to hear your little one fuss but I had to stay strong and BE CONSISTENT. Thankfully i had my hubby here with me to keep me from running in to get her. With the lull baby sleep plan you can go in and pat/shush your baby to try to calm them down just not taking them out of the bed. Good Luck to you! Its hard but i think so worth it. Hope this helped
Thanks Andee by the way it's awesome that you reply to everyone:-)
thanks for noticing 😉 You girls take the time to comment so i try as best i can to comment back xo
Your baby is sooo cute! Love your blog btw!
thanks so much 😉
Love your blog! I have a 2 year old boy and a 2 month old daughter. They are complete opposites. He had colic as a baby and is a hand full. But he is a lot of fun.My dauhgter is mellow and easy going. My son also wakes up at 6:30 in the morning. You get eventually just get on the same schedule as your kids. You don't have a choice;)
lol i am slowly beginning to realize that 😉 Could you see your little ones personalities when they were little because I swear I can already tell my little love is going to have some sass haha
It's nice to read your Ava updates lIke this. With my little Adèle just 6 weeks behind, it gives me a sort of preview. Our oldest (now 10) was a serial cat mapper who just hated to sleep, it was like she thought she was missing out on stuff, still does! Now with this little nibblet we get two 1 hour naps a day (sometimes she'll stretch that to two, giving Mama a chance to really catch up on things). Night time begins between 7:00-8:00, and wakes at 12:00, 3:00, and 7:00. She teases me sometimes and will skip the 3:00 am wakeup call for a few days, giving me hope that she's maturing in her sleep patterns, but then goes back to it. It just seems like she needs to soothe herself with Mama though (sadly, there is no pacifier that will do the job…) Ah well, she's just 3.5 months, she'll catch up! 😉
glad you enjoy them! i have a couple blogger moms i follow who are just ahead of Ava so i appreciate a sneak preview too 😉
Ava is such a cutie! I am thinking about starting sleep training too, but I just don't know if I can let my little guy cry it out..so hard to know what to do! So glad she is sleeping well for ya!
oh believe it was very difficult and as you little one is trying to teach themselves you are second guessing yourself the entire time! But thankfully we saw progress very quickly so that kept me strong…and my hubby reassuring me she was ok. Its rough but paid off in the end for us. xo
she is out of this world! you guys are so lucky to see that beautiful little face morning, noon, and night.
we truly are! Life has never felt more fulfilled than now!
Hi Andee! Your baby girl is too adorable. Will you still be posting about your at-home strength training workout routine?
Hi love yes I'm SO SORRY I've been lagging on that. I am DEF going to do it next week. I just have to have my hubby help out with the picture taking on that post. xo
Happy 5 mos Ava! What a beautiful girl!
Have you looked into the Amber Teething necklaces? I have one on my son and it's working so far! He is 4 months. I am sure you can find one at a local boutique
oh you know my girlfriend has one of those for her son! Im going to have to look into them
Hi Andee – which bath tub do you guys have for Ava? Do you like it?
Hi Hope ill have to double check the brand but its just a cheap one from Target. Its been great so far. It came with a little net when she was a newborn which was awesome.
Hi Andee! Little Ava is growing so fast and such a beauty. I can tell you're really enjoying this time (5-10 months were my absolute favorite!) I saw in your post that you were thinking about rice cereal, and as health conscious as you are, I wanted to let you know that rice cereal is actually not the ideal first food. crazy, right?! It's actually lacking in a lot of nutrients and is more difficult for their tummies to digest than was originally thought. Great first foods are sweet potatoes and avocados. Baby led weaning is also a great way to go about introducing foods.
Sorry for the diatribe! I just wish someone would have told me this information before I gave my little one rice cereal as we are now battling her gluten intolerance (which they've now linked to rice cereal/ grain introductions) You are a wonderful mom and I know you'll make the right choices for your family.
thanks love don't apologize at all! Love to hear these bits of info. I didn't know cereal was linked to gluten intolerance later on. I do have a machine to make her own food so I think I will start her on the sweet potato and avocados! Thanks for the tip xo
I just found your blog and read is every day! Your so stylish and your baby Ava is soooo stinkin cute! What a cupcake:) She is such a chubby baby, and you look like your an exceptional mom! I read your blog for tips and fashion ideas. I'm 14 weeks preggo with my first baby and I'll be stealing some on your must have's for baby. So glad I came across your site! Take care, Sandie. xo
Hey hun,
Where can you buy the step and play? Thanks! Love your baby posts btw 🙂