Ava 9 Month Update

I can’t believe our little butters (yes that would be one of the many random nicknames we have for her lol) is already 9 months old! As each day passes I see my little babe turning into such a big girl.
Ava you have quite the personality my dear. You absolutely LOVE people! You are always smiling and waving at everyone you see. If someone doesn’t give you that attention you immediately start doing your fake cough (it cracks me up!) until they acknowledge you! You LOVE to hear yourself talk and of course your first words were “Da da”. I wasn’t hurt for very long because shortly after you started saying “ma ma” and you say that WAY more now than da da! 😉
You are such a good girl when we go out to eat now!  Although we definitely have to start strapping you into the high chair because you will turn completely around to see what is going on at the table behind you! Thats probably where we got your other nickname “nosy rosy” from. In the evening you are at your wildest. You love to climb all over us and love to attack my face 😉 You started giving me kisses and they absolutely melt my heart! I LOVE how your cheeks take over your face when you give us that HUGE grin of yours! We just want to eat you up we love you so!

Clothing: Our big girl is 21 lbs and is wearing size 4 diapers and 12 month clothing (Some even 12-18mth clothing)!
Feeding: We are down to breastfeeding 2 times a day (in the morning, night and occasionally once in the afternoon) otherwise she gets a bottle of formula. I didn’t think I would be doing it for so long but now its a breeze. Its those first few months that were draining. As for formula we’re using Earths Best and it works well for her. Miss Ava LOVES to feed herself and let me tell you she definitely ends up wearing more than she is eating.  I still make some of her meals with the Baby Cook but we are also using Plums Organics that come in the squeezable pouches. They are awesome! I love the different types of food they put in them and they don’t make as much of a mess as the traditional containers. They are super convenient and highly recommend. As far as meats we’ve introduced turkey, chicken and salmon and she gobbles them up!`
Sleeping:  Ava started sleeping through the night around 5.5 months. She goes to bed around 6:30 or 7:00 and wakes up around 7:00am. When we were back east she slept so badly. We had her in a crib but she was back to waking up twice a night! Man I did not miss that! Thankfully now that we are home she transitioned right back into her routine. So THANKFUL for that! 
Milestones: Ava has her two bottom teeth but the top two are making their way in as we speak. Teething was in HIGH gear on our flight back from the east coast which was not fun but we made it! (Update traveling with baby post to come soon!). She is cursing everywhere and transitions herself from the couch to table to chair etc etc. She also walks all the way around our coffee table while holding on it. I think this child will be walking in no time! That being said we have entered the land of bumps and bruises! I have been using a product from Whole Foods called Arnicare (my sister in law recommended) and it seems to help with all the little bumps she accumulates along the way! Definitely check it out if you’re in that stage as well! 
*In a previous post I mentioned we really liked the maple teething biscuits from Whole Foods. I wanted to let you know we had a choking scare with those so PLEASE be careful if you ended up purchasing them. It scared me enough that we won’t be giving those to Ava again or at least until she has more teeth.

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  1. Not sure if you have tried Mum-Mums biscuits for teething/snacking…they are great and practically mess free. My daughter will be 2 next week and still enjoys them. Your little one is so squishy and precious and she reminds me of when mine was a squishy little babe…now she just has squishy little thighs…hehe. Happy New Year!


  2. She is so adorable!!! I think every parent that has given their child a teething biscuit has gone through a choking episode. They moisten up them so much that it is inevitable, a big chunk just goes in their mouth. If her little gums are really sore, you might want to try a washcloth and throw it in the freezer and then just let her bite it. It doesn't taste as good as the cookie but she might feel a little relief. You are an amazing mama!!!

  3. Uh-oh, I see a future heartbreaker here (like her Mama)! Miss Ava is super cute and she seems like baby diva! She's precious! I love babies that are friendly and smiley. They are the best to be around! I can't believe she has a fake cough already to get attention. hehe!!

  4. so funny to see ava and caroline right on track with each other!!! aren't the kisses the BEST!!!

    and p.s. boon makes a spoon that attaches to the plum pouches and they are AWESOME to have on the go

  5. Oh my, those cheeks! She is the cutest!!! My little guy does those fake coughs too – how funny … they already know how to get our attention 🙂

    If you don't have them already, I highly recommend the "Squirt" spoon by Boon and/or the attachable spoons (also by Boon) for the Plum Organics pouches! Soooo convenient on the go and even at home. Very cheap and easy to clean too.

    We stopped giving our son teething biscuits/puffs (or watch him much more carefully on the very rare occasions that we do) because he has no teeth yet, and in one of our CPR classes the instructor said she had seen the most common choking episodes with babies chewing on teething biscuits.

    Happy New Year to you and your beautiful fam!

  6. AWWW She is such a doll, I can see how you are madly in love with her! How many months was she when you put her to sleep in her own room? You seem to be such a good mama, I wish I could ask you a million more questions lol 😉

  7. Our little girls are just about the same age, Andee. Ave is super cute 🙂 I did a similar update on my blog today with my daughter. I listed several products that we use and love (we use very similar products) – maybe you would find something else that would be helpful to you and little miss Ava 🙂
    I enjoyed your post and I think I will try Arnicare – Thanks!

  8. You should get Ava into baby modeling. She'd be perfect for it!! Plus, the money could go into her college savings. 🙂

  9. Oh my goodness-she is beautiful and has the best cheeks ever!So funny my Mom gave me Arnica because I bruise easily and it totally works for adults too!

  10. Your daughter is so cute! Especially the pictures of her eating her banana!! Love your blog Andee, I always look forward to reading it.

  11. She is the cutest little girl ever Andee! I mean it, I absolutely am over the moon about her! The picture of her with the sunnies is the best. She looks like she could definitely be an actress one day 🙂

  12. She is SO PRECIOUS!!!! That little face!!! I laughed out loud imagining her turning around while you are out to dinner, Nosy Rosy LOL!!!

  13. You have such a beautiful baby girl! I can just tell through the picture that she has a sweet spirit, and brings so much joy to you and your husbands life! Enjoy every little moment!

  14. Awww that little excerpt speaks volumes about little butters' personality mama! Such a rockin' gal, just like you 😀 Love that you haven't changed your lifestyle regarding eating out with tiny tots…she's a gal about town in the making! Soooo dang cute!

    Happy New Year's hun- Hope to see you back soon!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  15. Love Arnica!

    Look into homeopathy for all the regular childhood ailments as well. It's something I wish I would have known more about when my boys were babies {they're 3 and 5 now}…

    Found your blog tonight! Glad I did…

    Take care,

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