Ava 17 Month Update

Alright loves here a little update on miss Ava. She’s about 17 months now and lets just say the terrible twos are upon us 😉 We haven’t had any real tantrums yet. I’m talking the throw yourself down in the middle of the aisle at the grocery store but we’ve most definitely had our share of sass! She’s a non stop talker! Her new favorite word if “no” but she prefers to make it a little more dramatic and is more like “nooooooooooo”. While she is super independent i’ve noticed her being a little clingy lately and has most definitely turned into a mamas girl (for now).  If you follow me on twitter you’ve probably know that she is getting one of her molars in! Lets just say molars take teething to the next level. Ava has been a champ in the sleeping department since about 6 months sleeping 730 to 730 but this week has been a long one! She’s waking up multiple times so I’m hoping that pesky tooth comes in soon! Her nap is still just once a day and usually on about 1 hour and a half. I may be secretively jealous of the moms who says their babies nap for 2 to 3 hours! lucky! 😉 Ava also loves to bring lots of books for us to read to her, although she usually loses interest after the second page and goes to bring us another book!  Here are some of the random shots from this past month…

Someone definitely loves her blanky! 
A lot of this face lately
The little things that just melt my heart xo
I love my in laws xo
the balloon obsession starts 😉
Lou is just as excited
Practicing her duck face already lol
Big girl status! 
Always digging in the toy basket 😉 Ps I can’t get enough of her little boyfriend shorts! 

As you can see from Ava’s sweet baby chub we’ve been blessed with a good eater 😉 although she still loves to throw some of her food on the floor. Did I mention were so glad we have a dog?! On another note I can’t believe we’ve already put Ava on a waiting list for pre-school next year! I know everyone mom says this but I seriously can’t believe how fast time is going by! 

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  1. This sounds so much like Harper!! Random tantrums where she squeals and throws herself on the ground & pretends she is sleeping! Ha! And totally a clingy mama's girl right now even though she really is so independent! Love Ava updates, she really is getting prettier & prettier by the day, looking so much like her mama! XOXO

  2. She is growing up too fast!! Can't wait to love on this face in a few weeks! and I love that she says "noooooooooo" dramatically. haha xo

  3. So cute!! My 3 year old starts preschool next week and I am having such anxiety about it. He on the other hand is super excited. It is so hard letting go, even is it is only for a few hours a week.

  4. They grow up too fast!!! She is adorable. Love the pic with her grandparents. Grandparents are the best!!! You have to take her to Disneyland, she would just love it. They have Halloween theme coming up and it won't be so crowded during the day because school has begun for most kids.

  5. oh mama…i hear you on the sassy britches taking over!!! glad to know i am not the only one and ava is little miss thing, too 😉

    oh those teething woes–hope they are gone and happy sleeper can return to herself!!


  6. Awww so cute and such a beautiful mama! I am loving your blog…I found it via a fall outfit post on pinterest (I am fashionably challenged so thanks for the inspiration :). We are in OC too (Huntington Beach)..where are you? xo, Laura

  7. Ava is adorable. I love her dark curls and those lips are amazing! When Macy hit 17 months her sleep went completely to hell and it wasn't from teething (she already had all her teeth by this point). It was a very common thing: the 18 month sleep regression. She was up multiple times a night, sometimes for hours, for SIX WEEKS. I was exhausted, I was stressed, I was threatening to get my stuff and move out of the house if something wasn't done to give me a break. It was worse than when she was a newborn. And then it was over and she's been sleeping through the night for the last three weeks. I am hoping for you, that you don't go through this or that it only last a couple weeks like it seems to for most people. Sleep deprivation with a toddler is torture.

  8. Thank you for sharing those sweet sweet photos! What a cutie-pie 😉 Just wondering if you would share a hair tutorial of how you do your natural looking waves that you're always sporting! Would love if you made a video of somesort so I can follow along. Yours always look so natural and effortless! Thanks! xox

  9. hiAndee,
    Ava is so beautiful , you so luckly to have her. pls update Ava more often . Im seriously obsessed with those lips , actually the whole Ava. So cute.

  10. Your daughter is simply adorable! And molar teething is the worst!! This week has been so tough on us. I just gave my daughter infant motrin b/c I felt so bad for her pain and she was able to sleep alot better. But I don't like giving her medication like that. Hope it gets better!

  11. "practicing her duck face." hahaha that cracked me up. she's so gorgeous.

    preschool already. i felt like you were just pregnant. ok then. time to work on number 2 😉

  12. I genuinely love all your pics of Ava. She is precious! My youngest is also going thru her mommas girl phase. Which makes me feel good 😉 Gia's fav word is no too! Lol, kids these days… Xo

  13. She's absolutely adorable – OMGEEEEE! BTW, that doggy balloon is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen – saw a kid at the grocery store the other day "walking" it…..it's genius!!!!

  14. Hi Andee! I have a 6 month old and am struggling with getting him to sleep through the night. He's getting up 3-4 times. What method did you use? Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks!

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