Andee’s Eats on Instagram

As many of you know Im super passionate about Health and Nutrition. In addition to random daily shots, I’m starting a section on Instagram called Andee’s Eats to share my meals and favorite finds with you! Its going to be like a Honeybee Health but just more frequent. You can find me on Instagram under Andee Layne.

My healthy meal last night from PF Changs on Instagram. xoxo

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  1. I give you major props for eating healthy at PF Changs! I could never say no to Mongolian Beef! That's why you look so great 🙂 Looking forward to the pics!

  2. Yippee!! I'm doing a happy dance! I sent a request to follow you! I'm so grateful you accepted! ^_^ me and my BF are obsessed with your health post! I check daily for new ones! You're such an inspiration!!

  3. So excited about this. You were part of my new years goals, I said I want to start eating better like you. Now I have no excuse! Xo Jet

  4. eek your on IG! So great, I'm sorta addicted, I'll def look for you! I'm carharris, just incase your wondering who that random name that keeps liking your stuff is!! haha!

    xo Carlina

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