Affordable Statement Necklace

While doing a little online Christmas shopping yesterday, I came across this statement necklace. Ive received lots of questions on my necklace I wear in my blogger profile pic, so I thought I would share the link with you ladies. 
(P.S. this pic is making me miss my dark hair already!)

Mine is actually from Forever21 but this one is practically identical and its  super affordable as well!

* Click on the set for details

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  1. This necklace is lovely and you are so gorgeous!

    Andee i just wanted to say you made my day by commenting on my blog! I read your blog religiously some times its the first thing i do when i wake up is check to see if you have a new post haha! You taking the time to check out my blog and comment means a lot to me! xoxo

    Alycia <3

  2. Love the necklace! Not able to click on the one you picked out but reminds of a House of Harlow piece? My hairstylist talked me into getting highlights saying it would add some dimension to my really dark hair…… Just like you I'm not 100% adjusted with them (yet…). Might dye it back to my natural dark color after pregnancy. In hindsight, I was thinking I should have just gotten my long hair cut into a sleek do instead of the highlights. Hopefully, you are enjoying your new hair! It's a new look and looks good.

    1. thank hun its def a fun change but think eventually ill probably go back to the darker brown…well see 😉 As for the set I think if you click more on the right side it works. xo

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