Affordable Fall Style with Kohls

I can’t believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving already! I really wanted to go back east and spend the holidays with my family but we decided to spend it with the in laws this year and hopefully make it back east next year. I might also add that i’m a little glad we’re not having to make that long flight with two kiddos though 😉 Anyhow I can’t wait for my turkey, wine and pumpkin pie food coma at the in laws tomorrow! It’s finally chilly and Fall like here in SoCal (YEAH!) so today’s post is all about cold weather affordable style from KOHLS!
I’m all about light layering pieces lately and this shag vest is so soft and comfy! I wore it recently with my favorite flares and go to flannel for an everyday casual look.
VEST (now on SALE for under $40! Also available in black HERE) // Rails Flannel (look for less HERE) // Distressed Flares (another favorite HERE) // Bag 
Here are a few more of my favorite affordable cold weather items from Kohls….

Right now Kohl’s is having a 15% OFF Promo (valid now through 11/27) just use code word TURKEYTIME at Checkout!

(ps sorry my captions aren’t aligning properly. I’ve been having issues with my layout all week!)

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