A Big Thank You!!!

I just wanted to take a minute this morning and thank all of you for following my blog! It hit 5 million views recently and I am beyond flattered! Thank you especially to those of you who comment. I know it can be a pain but it’s the comments and feed back that make blogging so rewarding and I truly appreciate it. I started The Honeybee a few years ago as a little hobby and never thought it would grow like it has! Blogging is something I truly enjoy and has definitely been an outlet for me. Not only do I feel like I’ve made some great friends via the blogging world but you ladies have helped me as well! I’ve learned so much as a new mom from a lot of your advice and am truly thankful for you! I’ve even had the pleasure of running into some of my local ladies while out and about as well!  Life is a little hectic these days with the little one but I try my best to respond to comments and emails from you guys.  So again a BIG THANK YOU for following my blog and i’d love to know what you ladies would like to see more of on The Honeybee?!

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  1. Congratulations!! I've been a long time follower of your blog. You're my favorite blogger because you're so down to earth, and I enjoy the mixture of fashion/style posts and health/food posts because those are two of my main interests. I know it must be hard to blog being a new mother and all, but more of those would be great. 🙂

  2. Congrats, Andee! You are one of my most favorite bloggers out there for many, many reasons. I love that your blog touches on everything…health/nutrition, fashion, beauty and baby. I also appreciate that it hasn't turned into a mommy-centric blog. I'm sure once I have children, I'll be refering back to it for all your helpful mommy tips, but for now, I'm very thankful that you kept all of us gals in mind- both with and without kiddos. I also really like that you include fashion finds at a variety of price points. So many times, I want to run out and buy a blogger's outfit/jewelry, but it is simply out of my price range. I'm happy to report that I have purchased quite a few things that you have mentioned on your blog. Also, kudos to you for being so responsive to all of your readers. It means a lot! As for what I would like to see more of? Maybe some exercise advice? You have everything else very well covered. You are such an inspiration on so many levels. Thanks again for putting such great content out there!



    1. Thanks so much Lisa that is SO nice to hear! I'm glad you appreciate the different price point fashion options as well! Im going to try to do more exercise breakdown posts in the future so thanks for the request! xo

  3. AMAZING!! Congrats!

    I love seeing what you're wearing a little life updates of what you're up to. It's always interesting to see what you're eating (esp. versus your hubby! 😉

    Keep up the great blogging! I love it!

  4. Love your blog and you deserve all the success! Thank you for sharing and letting me/us into your life. Your family is adorable and your blog is my favorite! I would totally subscribe if you had a YouTube vlog channel!!

  5. Love how real your blog is! You don't have a professional photographer following you around which makes you so much more relate-able than other bloggers. LOVE your fashion posts! Keep the OOTD posts coming! CONGRATS!

    1. awww that is so nice to hear because I've always tossed around the idea of doing the most "professional photo" outfit posts but just seems like way to much work lol. So thank you xo

  6. Congrats!! I love your fashion, food, and fitness posts the best! If you don't mind me asking, how much do you weigh? You have inspired me to develop a healthy lifestyle, and one of my coaches has encouraged me to set some goals. I'm 5'4" too, and I really admire your balanced approach and think you're a great healthy role model. If asking your weight is too personal, I sincerely apologize, and didn't intend to offend you. I would just like to have a similar body to you and would like to know what number to make my goal weight. Thanks and congrats again!

  7. Congrats 5 million is HUGE! As a milestone present you should do a personal post like the one you did for the blogger awards? it's always interesting to learn a little more about the woman behind the blog 😉

  8. Andee, Congratulations!! I am a reader from all the way from Finland. I do not even remeber how I found your blog, but I have to tell you that after I found it I couldn't stop reading. I really like your blog. You have great ideas and photos. You seem to be such a nice person and you have an amazing family. I wish you all the best and a lots of sucsess with your blog and the future life. Thank you for writing the blog and sharing a part of your life with us.

  9. Congrats 5 million views is AWESOME!! This is by far my favorite blog to read. Thanks for sharing your life with us and I'm now a huge fan of Forever 21!!!

  10. Ur awesome Andee! A big thank you for letting us into your life! and for all the fashion/beauty inspiration throughout the years….xoxo see ya on IG 🙂


  11. Congratulations! I love your tips on eating healthy and staying in shape. As a new mom myself I also love your feedback on baby products and updates on Ava. Keep it up! All the best 🙂

  12. Congrats, Andee! You're one of my favorite bloggers, and I love that you take the time to respond to comments as well. I'd love to see more of the affordable fashion finds (quite a few pieces in my closet are actually from your F21 finds;) as well as fitness/meal prep posts. Oh, and some mommy-friendly fashion/beauty and kid/baby product discoveries would be great, too. Thanks! 🙂

  13. YEAH 5 million!!! SO happy for you! I've so loved reading your blog all these years, its always been my favorite! It has helped me so much through my pregnancy and becoming a mommy. None of my friends have babies yet so I've learned a lot from what you share on here. And of course you are always inspiring a healthy lifestyle…THANK YOU!! xoxoxo

  14. Congrats Andee! You and your family are such an inspiration. I would love to hear some of your life story! It's great when bloggers share some of their experiences and battles to help encourage people.

  15. Congratulations Andee!! So proud of you!! 🙂 Not only is it an outlet for you, but for me as well!I always look forward to your next post and I have enjoyed watching your blog grow! Here's to 5 Million more!*muah!* xoxoxo

  16. Andee- congrats! I love reading all your posts. they are always informative and on point as to where we find all the great things you buy!
    I would enjoy a post on your how you maintain your beauty regimen. (how often, where you go,etc…)Brow wax,mani/pedis, spray tan, hair, where you buy your makeup.
    You're a busy mom and somehow look like a supermodel!

    1. I totally ditto this! Would LOVE to know your beauty regimen because you always look so flawless Andee! How in the world do you look so perfect with a baby?!

  17. Congratulation!!! I absolutely love your blog and hope you never stop blogging, unless you start making YouTube videos and then find out you don't have any more time for blogging :). I wish you would post more OOTD, because you have given me so many ideas how to style my wide leg pants and my flare jeans, and for that I will be forever grateful. Before I had no idea how to style something and what to wear, but now my closet is full of wide leg pants, although I could afford to buy few more jeans…Looking forward to all your future posts be it about fashion, nutrition or beauty just please never stop blogging :).

  18. Congrats love!!! I lalalove your blog, and hearing all about your sweet family, fun recipes, and of course your killer fashion picks! You are an inspiration to myself and soo many other mamas xoxo

  19. Congrats Andee! I would love to see what you eat when you travel/go out and what sort of guidelines you have when you can't prepare your own food at home. Also, this is kind of random, but I would love to see you do a hair and eyebrow tutorial! You have awesome hair and brows, and would love to see how you get your look 🙂

    1. oh these are good requests! I will definitely do an eating while traveling/on vacation post. Also I should do an eyebrow post because i have had some years of horrible brows and finally feel like I have the hang of it now lol so thanks for the request!

  20. Congrats on your 5 million mark Lady A! Love your style & food posts. In fact, your posts have inspired many online shopping frenzies & numerous supper ideas. Thanks & keep 'em coming 🙂 FYI – I am commenting at this ungodly hour b/c I just got home from work & am catching up on my blog reading, ha. Life of a Nurse, lol.

  21. Andee!! Great work, you deserve the success. I love the nutrition and fun photo posts! Your positivity and desire to share the info and love will never go out of style. “A thousand candles can be lighted from the flame of one candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness can be spread without diminishing that of yourself.” – Gandhi – Thank you.

  22. Congratulations Andee!! So exciting :)) I've been following since the beginning and have to say, to this day, this is still one of my absolute favorite blogs! Beautiful and inspiring!!

    I love reading about your sweet family and learning healthy tips from your food posts. I would love to know your workout regimen and see some more interior design posts – I just love your style! My man and I just bought our first house so I'm starting from scratch and love seeing inspiring ideas on decor, furniture, etc! xx

    1. awww yeah love to hear that…thank you Emilie! Congrats on your new home! Ill try to do a little more around the home posts (although most of the time its a mess because the little like to rearrange everything 😉

  23. Such exciting news, you should be so proud. I think it helps that you are so real, here and on Instagram. Even though your beauty is untouchable your life is something we can all relate to. I know I've personally emailed/commented and have always heard back from you. This is very gracious of you to do so since you are so "big time " ( haha ) congrats girl !

  24. Congrats Andee! That's amazing! I always look forward to your posts both here and instagram. As a new mom myself it is nice to see your mix of baby, fashion, food, fun, etc. I always enjoy your OOTD posts, your fashion picks both the high end and very affordable end, and your recipes/food posts are fabulous. I like that you always tell us about your make-up. And of course the baby posts are very relatable for me. Also, I truly appreciate you responding. Really, as I am typing I think you cover your bases and I enjoy them all! It's weird I feel like we are a lot alike but then we don't know each other lol! The one thing I would like to know more about is your skincare routine. I am looking for some new products to add into my routine. Other than that just keep the amazing posts coming! Wish you the best and millions of more views! xo

  25. Congratulations! I've loved your blog for awhile but must admit this is my first time commenting. 🙂

    I love you designer outfit post however, some items are out of my price range. It would be cool if you could post a similar outfit at a budget price. (I'm aware that you post clothes from H&M, Forever21,Target etc. I'm referring to a comparison set of the more expensive clothes.) Keep up with the meals! I love those and get ideas from you. Thanks for the great job/hobby! 🙂

  26. Hi Andee! I think your blog is amazing and kudos to you for the huge following. I actually have an unrelated question-can you tell me where you purchased the white dress you are wearing in your picture? You are absolutely stunning. xoxo

  27. Congratulations!! you have done a wonderful job with your blog. I'm a mom of 3 and i have to agree with a previous comment that expressed appreciation for this not becoming a Mommy blog. It's hard to find balance between health/fitness/fashion and kiddies and you're doing a great job sharing how you do it all. I'm a new follower and I've been inspired to get out of the mommy rut and re-focus on my own health as well as my families.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. awww that means so much! I definitely didn't want it to turn into a full blown mom blog 😉 but touch on it from time to time. So glad you're going to get a little more YOU time in your busy mom schedule…well deserved!

  28. Congrats on your Blogs success! Well deserved, I adore your blog and your style and down to earth blog posts, they are the best & your fashion style/health are my Inspiration!
    Would you/Could you? Do a post on some outfits you have worn or would wear to a Wedding? I never know what to wear to them? Thanks so much! Have a Fantastic weekend!

  29. Hi Andee! I'm currently pregnant with baby #2 and would love to see a detailed list of workouts you did while pregnant (including any modifications you made later on in the pregnancy). Also, did you work out when you had morning sickness and just push through the nausea, or did you wait until you felt better? My pregnancies tend to come with 24 hour nausea the whole 9 months, but I am determined to workout during the times when the nausea is less. Thanks for your list and advice!

    1. hi hun congrats to you on your pregnancy! As for working out while pregnant…luckily I didn't have much morning sickness. On the occasion that I was feeling nauseous I wouldn't workout till i felt better. Its hard enough to get pumped for the gym let alone feeling sick as well. I did light jogging a few days a week (scaling back from my normal faster and on incline runs pre pregnancy) up until about 7 months and then i just did longer walks a few times a week. I also did lots of squats and lunges but really took my time and went slow…as I remember becoming winded easily. Hope this was somewhat helpful…cant believe its been 14 months since I was prego. Hope you feel better!

  30. I love your varied posts. Having a mix of fashion, makeup/hair, health/fitness, and occasional family posts is great! I'd love to see some more entertaining ideas (like you did with Ava's birthday party), definitely more fitness and healthy eating posts (because you're a huge inspiration!), and maybe even "day in the life" type posts, like going through your daily beauty routine, workout routine, or a whole day's worth of Andee's eats. I really enjoy reading your blog!

  31. hello lovely, i might be a little late on this but CONGRATULATIONS!! i have to say that you are my hands down favourite blogger 🙂 you inspire me with your posts and if i don't check your blog daily then i def catch up with it later! 🙂 i wish we lived closer as i 'd love to meet you 😉 well, perhaps when i visit Cali one day! :)Diana

  32. Hii,

    You are the only blog I follow! Love your fashion, home decor, and of course your sweet girl! I learned a lot about pregnancy and healthy eating from you. I will definitely share everything I learnt with my sister in law who is pregnant!

    Anastasia from Toronto 🙂

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