70’s Chic

Yeah for rainy chilly weather here in SoCal today but i’m channeling 70’s vibes in todays post! This look is composed of all of my favorite things…flares, crochet details, a floppy hat and pops of turquoise!   Anything 70’s chic… sign me up! 
I always get asked what shoes I wear with my wide leg and flare jeans and its pretty much always my 4+ inch wedges. In Southern California we can get away with open toed shoes in the Fall/Winter on most days. If its really cold I wear them with my closed toed lace up wedge ankle boots. 
Cut Out Crochet Top c/o Lookbook Store
7 for All Mankind Flares (similar style I’ve been eyeing lately Paige Flares)
Alexander McQueen tote
Floppy Brim Fedora (local boutique The Shop in Laguna)

 They have tons of cute and affordable jewelry and ladies EVERYTHING is 50% off till December 2nd!!! Use code word  IPHOLIDAY2013 at checkout. Perfect time to stock up on some holiday gifts for your girlfriends!

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  1. Aw, you look so beautiful and tiny :). If you buy that "Paige Denim Jeans", I am totally buying them, too :). Anyway, where did you get that ring?? I saw it in one of your previous posts and wanted it then, too, but forgot to ask where you purchased it. It goes so well with earrings…

    1. thanks hun! I've been eyeing those paige ones for forever so ill definitely keep you ladies posted if i do snag them xo As for the ring I purchased years go from a flea market ;(

  2. I have been looking for the perfect pair of close toed wedge ankle boots to wear with my flares for what feels like an eternity. Could you maybe supply the exact shoe or similar options? So thankful to have found a blogger who shares such a similar style as mine!
    Looking absolutely gorg as always!

  3. Not my style, but I like the white crochet details, nude hat, and tan bag It looks like an ode to summer can of outfit. hehe. There's snow where I live so we can't get away with this!! Leggings, boots, and puffer jackets…so chic. NOT! haha

  4. What size did you get in the top? I love it and I want to order it! You look so effortlessly chic! Love your style 🙂

  5. You are perfect Andee! Did you lighten up your hair a bit? Looks SO great! So jealous you can wear that right now!! I was in my frye boots, and knee length puffer jacket WHILE slipping on ice/snow all day, needless to say I am very jealous 😉

    1. thanks Meghan! I actually didn't lighten it but it has faded quite a bit and am in need of a little touch up 😉 Ps I'm kind of envious of you're chilly weather! ox

  6. I have a stupid question……what type of bra do you wear under this top….just a strapless? Love this top, but a bit older and can't go without one. 🙂

  7. Nice to meet you, bellbottomgirl!

    Your fashion is very cute and sexy!

    You are very beautiful and sexy!!

    Please wear flare ,more!!!!


  8. I share your love for a good flare jean. Yours are gorgeous, my favorite are the AG Farrahs. If you haven't tried them on before, then you must! Thanks for posting on your blog!

  9. hi there! i have a question about this top…..on the lookbook website, it says that the model (which looks like your same picutre) is wearing a size four, but i noticed here in your comments that you mention you are wearing a size two….just trying to figure out which size i should order. thank you.

  10. Hi, just found your blog and must say that I truly adore your fashion style!! No matter the style, you always look elegant:) I'm in love with your flared jeans!!! Was wondering how you always find the perfect pair. I'm petite and most flared jeans are extremely long and when you cut them they don't look as good as the original one.

70’s Chic

These photos make me so happy! Dont get me wrong I love my skinny jeans but im way more excited to see some flare!!!

There’s no better way to finish off the flare look than with a pair of killer platforms!

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  1. I am right with you flare jeans are so flattering! It is great to go between skinny jeans and flares. I just got a great pair at LF that I am getting altered right now =)

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