4 Weeks!

Our little mama is already one month old! I can’t believe how much our lives have changed in so many ways! Having my daughter has truly put so many aspects of my life into perspective 😉 Things that used to be important to us before are a distant thought now. She is so sweet and eats like a little piglet!! The first couple weeks were quite the adjustment as previously stated but were slowly getting the hang of it! I am so happy to say that I think the baby blues have subsided. I can’t tell you how awful that was but feeling much better now. There are still some rough nights but overall we are pretty fortunate with our sweet little Ava Layne. Here are some random shots I posted on Instagram earlier this week

The infamous “milk coma”

Early morning snuggling with my loves

Ava hanging with her aunties

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  1. Awww look at that gorgeous beauty! She sure does have mama's supastah pout! So precious Andee…keep these baby pix coming…so q!

    I’m hosting 5 days of GIVEAWAYS in honor of my blog’s 2yr anniversary…would love for you to stop by and check it out!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture.com

    1. so funny we always ask people that and it changes weekly! everyone says me this week but i def thought my hubby last week! so changes so much each day 🙂

  2. She's so gorgeous Andee! I truly mean it when I say that she is one of the prettiest babies I've ever laid eyes on. Look at those lips! I always wonder what my baby will look like. I'm so happy that you are feeling better 🙂

  3. OH my goodness these pictures are so cute. I love the first one her mouth is all squished so cute. The second one looks like she has her arms around both of you haha, and the third is beautiful. xoxox

  4. What a great the pic of the three of you! Such great memories these will make for Ava when she is older. I just love the way your husband is looking at you! Ava is adorbale!!

  5. Andee –
    I just wanted to comment on your baby blues. I have 2 kiddos and had horrible baby blues after my first. It takes a good 6 weeks to start feeling better. Six weeks is also about the time that baby will start sleeping longer through the night. Hang in there!! My husband and I were married 5 years before we had our daughter and were settled in a nice childless routine. Boy, was I in for a rude awakening after she was born!! It gets much easier as time goes on! Cherish these precious moments with her. My oldest is now 9 years old and I cannot believe how the time has flown.
    Take care!!

    1. thank you so much for sharing that. I was so caught off guard with those baby blues and it was awful. So glad they have subsided (for the most part) and i hear you on the adjustment! My hubby and I had a good three year run of doing our date nights and traveling so its been an adjustment with the little one here 😉

  6. Your pics are too cute, and don't worry, it all gets better/easier in different ways as they age. Once you start getting consistent 6 hours or more of sleep through the night, you will be a whole new woman and be able to tackle any crying fits or eating issues Ava throws at you! Honestly though, enjoy these infant stages, bc they are fleeting- my 1st baby is now 6 and can tie his own shoes…sniff sniff:)

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