39 Week Update

How far along: 39 weeks …..One week away from my due date!!!

Gender: Girl

Total weight gain: 29 pounds gained!

Maternity clothes: Yes still mixed in with my regular clothes but the 9 month mark has definitely challenged my wardrobe selection.

Stretch marks: Not yet!! keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way and trying to prepare myself for “body after baby”. I don’t want to put to much pressure on myself to jump right back to my old self. As they say in the books it took 9 months to get here so its going to take some time to get back and I’m totally good with that!

Sleep: Surprisingly pretty good… guess I better enjoy it now!

Miss Anything: Besides the obvious cocktail and sushi… being able to cuddle my hubby and sit comfortably are definitely missed! You are just so awkward at this stage in pregnancy. Also try giving a urine sample at the doctors office during your 9th month… it’s comedy hour!

Cravings: Nothing really stands out at this point I have just enjoyed indulging a bit more this month! Im usually pretty disciplined so its been nice to indulge more and think my hubby really likes it too 😉

Symptoms: I have been having Braxton hicks and some other little signs that things are progressing (will spare you the details) but nothing yet!

Belly Button in or out: Out

Mood: This week has been a bit of a roller coaster. One day I’m super over being prego and so ready to meet my little girl then the next I’m nervous for the delivery and being completely responsible for a tiny little life! Im sure this is all normal at this point Its just a little nerve racking that it could happen any minute!

Best Moment this week: Staying in my PJ’s all day on Saturday (while it was storming here in OC) with the hubby catching up on the entire second season of Damages and ordering In!

Looking forward to: Some contractions or water breaking 😉 I may regret saying that once it happens but I really am SO excited to meet my daughter and start this next chapter in life!!

Exercise: Just walking a few days a week now.

* Always LOVE hearing your advice and thoughts esp from all the mamas out there!

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  1. cherish these last pregnant moments 🙂 i cried wanting mine to be over and my son to be in my arms, but a week weeks later after he came i was crying because i missed being preg and feelin him move around lol everything happens so fast from here on out so cherish each min of it all 🙂 so exciting ur little baby will be here anytime now! i walked my whole pregnancy every day, i went into labor 4 days early and the night before had been walking around walmart grocery shopping! i def think walking helps bring labor on naturally!

  2. Ahhh! I'm getting so excited for you! 😀 Can't wait for your little girl to come. I LOL'd when I read about peeing in a cup at the doctors…I can only imagine how challenging that would be. lol

  3. Oh no I deleted my previous comment by accident! Well I wish you the best when your little angel does come! I am sure she will be such a beautiful blessing! Can't wait to see pictures of her!

  4. Oh Gosh, you look amazing! I know how you feel, I was so ready to get that little baby out when I had my daughter. You will be fine love. It doesn't matter what books or what people tell you, you will know what to do when your daughter comes and you will do what is comfortable for you and your husband. I know I stressed out about it so much, I gave myself high blood pressure right before she came out. They grow up so fast, my daughter is now a wonderful 7 year old. Kudos to you for your healthy eating habits. I think that is the best gift we can give our children and you are beyond ready. Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see your precious baby and I can just imagine what that little princess is gonna get away with!!! They are something else especially with Daddy!!!! Take Care!

  5. hahaha, peeing at 9 months is sooo challenging cuz you can't see anything lol..you're going to be shocked right after you give birth because you can actually see down there 😉 I actually lost ALL of my baby weight in 2 weeks and I'm sure you will too since you're in absolutely fabulous shape..wow, i bet you don't even look pregnant from the back! Congrats and good luck 🙂

    1. it has really been comedy hour with the urine sample lately haha! I can't believe you lost all your weight in 2 weeks! I HOPE that i would be that lucky 😉

  6. I absolutely loved all my labors! Its an amazing feeling and experience. I think the best advice given is to not take "advice" too seriously. Follow your instinct:)

    1. oh thats so nice to hear! I am a little nervous for the L&D so glad to hear you loved yours! I can only imagine what a life changing experience it will be!

  7. Hi there. Just stumbled across your blog tonight and I am enjoying comparing notes with another prego mama. I am only 18 weeks along though and will find out the gender on April 2nd… Can't wait! I already have 2 girls and 1 boy. Jade, Matteo and an Ava 🙂 I saw that u r planning to name your little mama Ava too!! Good luck with your L & D!

  8. OMG so exciting, and you are so close!! One bit of advice no one told me about is to have bras 2 sizes larger with me! I ended up having an emergency C-section so I stayed 3 days, and by the 3rd day my boobs were so huge with milk, none of the bras I had fit and every move I made they were so sore lol.

  9. thanks for the sweet comment. you are stunning at 39 weeks! how exciting that your little one will be here so soon?! don't worry too much about the "after baby" body. I dreaded it. but it melts away faster than you think! I gained 50 lbs! and 4 months later…only 8 lbs to go! you look like you are in great shape now…so you will have no problems. oh, and breastfeeding helps {if you are planning on doing that}. good luck to you. can't wait to check back in and see updates on her arrival!

  10. Andee u look so radiant! Best of luck with ur last week. I've been loving ur updates as I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant…long way to go but it's an exciting journey

  11. You're seriously all belly! No worries, you'll be back in shape in no time! Yes, enjoy your sleep now!!!! lol. I couldn't wait to meet my baby in the end and also because I felt so uncomfortable and getting stretch marks by the minute :(. It will be tough for the first 2 or 3 months depending on your baby but after that it gets more fun. We weren't sure about having a second but now we're planning on one. 🙂 Good luck and I hope you have a smooth and safe delivery!

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