34 Week Update (8.5 Months)

How far along: 34 Weeks

Gender: Girl

Total weight gain: 21 pounds gained!

Maternity clothes: Its official I have caved in to more maternity clothes! I thought I would be able to hold out for the next 3 to 6 weeks but this tummy says otherwise! I purchased another piece of Liz Lange for Target and can’t rave about her stuff enough! Its so affordable and the material is perfect for prego bodies!

Stretch marks: not yet! Still moisturizing like crazy!

Sleep: Surprisingly pretty good lately. I am still using three different pillows and getting up multiple times to waddle to the bathroom but I think I just must be getting used to it by now haha

Miss Anything: Wine! I told my husband last night alcohol is probably the thing I miss most about being pregnant. I also miss using all my beauty products (there are so many facial products your not supposed to used while prego because of the ingredients they contain)

Movement: Tons! I can feel her little knees constantly moving around. She also is having lots of hiccups still.

Cravings: I think I jinxed myself with all my healthy cravings up until about 7.5 months. Now at 8.5 months I crave some SERIOUS sweets in the afternoon! A little piece of chocolate does not cut it. Im talking a BIG chocolate cookie from Whole Foods or Some kind of shake! Its so weird how all of a sudden the sweet cravings kicked in! I was hoping I was in the clear 😉

Symptoms: No labor symptoms yet. It was so surreal at my last doctors appt. when she asked me if I was having contractions yet?! ahhhh! I have been having some serious pains in what feels like my groin or pelvic bone area. I am told that is my bones “softening” preparing for birth! Also Im still super exhausted in the afternoon and HAVE to take a nap or I’m a hot mess. Its so crazy how much energy these little ones can take from you. I am thankful however that I haven’t had any of the dreaded heartburn I hear so many moms talking about!

Belly Button in or out: Out

Mood: Happy! We have pretty much all the big items checked off our “to get list”. Were just waiting on a few things to be delivered this week and then I will post on all our baby purchases!

Looking forward to: My next doctors appointment and ultrasound at 37 weeks. I am so curious to see how much she weighs!

Exercise: Still just walking a few days a week now.

Nutrition: Pretty much the same just upping my calories a bit in this last trimester. At my last doctors appointment I was right on track for my pregnancy weight gain goal.

Favorite moments this week: Hanging with some of my mommy girlfriends and listening to their birth stories and advice! Everyones experience is just so different so I’m trying to soak in as much as possible! Also the continued look of shock when people especially my husband (who see’s me daily) can’t believe how big my stomach is getting.It literally looks like I have a basketball under my shirt!

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  1. You have such a cute belly! I'm jealous that you can show off your bare belly! Lucky girl… Just a few more weeks! Hopefully our baby boy pops any day now… I'm ready. ha!

  2. Aww Andee you look beautiful <3
    You're such a beautiful pregnant Mommy to be! And it sounds like you're having a wonderful pregnancy.
    All the best!

  3. You are so beautiful!!!! That is gonna be one good looking baby girl!!!! Congrats again. Your face looks stunning, makeup is impeccable! You need to do a beauty breakdown for us, you are the prettiest pregnant woman I have ever seen. By this time, I was bloated and swollen in my face and you cannot even tell you have a baby in that tummy. Your hubby is a lucky guy!!! God Bless your lovely family!!!

  4. You are stunning! That baby is going to be so gorgeous just like Mama! We are looking to get preggo when we come back from NY in a couple months. My daughter is 14 months so I will have two young ones and I dread thinking about what sleep will be like. Trust me, the first weeks/months. Your a zombie. Especially if you are Exclusively breastfeeding, but don't worry. You get the hang of it. You look great and good luck these last couple of weeks! 🙂

    1. thanks Tamara! I am trying to prepare myself mentally for first few zombie like months! I am going to try to only breastfeed and know that can be a challenge for some as well so just hoping for the best! xo

  5. You look absolutely beautiful!

    I am wondering if maybe you could make a post about skincare you've used while pregnant. I've always wondered what switches in my routine I will have to make once the time comes 🙂

  6. Hello mama!! You look absolutely amazing…I was one hot mess when I was preggers, especially with my daughter. My feet went from a size 8 1/2 to a 10…I was so swollen. Thanks for sharing your pregnancy journey with us, and so excited to see baby Ava. Get plenty of rest!! Hope your enjoying the OC again. Miami is great, but this is such a great place to raise a family 🙂

    1. thank you! i know i heard that a lot of women experience growth in their feet!! So crazy all these little things that happen to your body during pregnancy! haha and totally agree about miami we are SO glad to be home 😉

  7. You are most definitely the most beautiful, gorgeous, glowing pregnant lady ever!!!! And I can't believe she'll be here before you know it! I know that little lady is going to be one amazingly loved, gorgeous baby – can't wait to "meet" her! 🙂

  8. The trick i used towards the end of my pregnancies as far as pants go, was to use one of the belly bands over my non maternity pants, so that I didnt have to buy more. I honestly cant figure out where all 21 pounds are though..you look great!


  9. Isn't it crazy how you literally grow overnight?? This has happened to me as well. Consider not having the heartburn a blessing!! I never encountered it pre-pregnancy and was shocked how uncomfortable it can be! You look amazing and Best of Luck in the next few weeks 🙂

    1. Hi love i have just been using good ol Palmers Coco butter. You can find it at Target and its super inexpensive. I think that stretch marks are mostly genetic and also avoiding rapid weight gain but thats just my opinion and i STILL lathered up daily just in case 😉

  10. @honey bee I have two questions. How often a day would you say you moisturize? What kind of moisturizer do you use? Also, I didn't know we shouldn't wear certain makeup when we are pregnant, could you give a little more insight into that? Thank you! 🙂

    1. hi love i would say I moisturize once a day sometimes twice. If you go to my search box at the top on the right and enter "pregnancy products" my previous post will come up on my favorite products. Also there is a link on there to a site that was super helpful to me when looking at what products to avoid. Its not so much makeup but facial creams etc. Hope this was helpful xo

  11. omg I just read this whole thing, like I was the pregnant one! Funny how I can get so engrossed in someone else's life! SOO excited for you, and congrats on being SO healthy and keeping up the exercise! That's one thing I always said I would do if and when I get pregnant- gotta maintain that pre baby body!

    x Carlina

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