32 Week Update

Alright ladies these weeks are just going by a little to quickly now! If you follow the Honeybee on FB or Instagram you’ve probably already seen this pic I posted the other day but wanted to do a full update…

At our last appointment this little lady was already over 4 lbs (and that was two weeks ago), head down and in launch position! Hoping she stays that way until after 37 weeks (which is apparently considered full term if your having a girl. My doctor said 38 weeks is a good window if your having a boy) Either way we want her to bake as long as she needs to plump her little self up! Although at my 30 week ultrasound she already had a rather large tummy and little double chin! haha love that!

How far along: 32 Weeks

Gender: Girl

Total weight gain: 20 pounds gained!

Maternity clothes: Still just one pair of maternity jeans and one pair of maternity leggings. Im determined not to purchase any more. I still wear my normal jeans just unbuttoned/unzipped with my belly band over them. Although Im leaning more towards the leggings daily because the pants are feeling a bit snug. Also SERIOUSLY need to buy a nursing bra, top and pads. Any recommendations are welcome if you ladies have favorites!!

Stretch marks: not yet! (still knocking on wood)

Sleep: Up at least twice a night for bladder calls but luckily still pretty good. I’ve also adopted three pillows now to make this tummy a little more comfortable 😉

Miss Anything: Yes medicine! I have come down with another cold! I guess these little babies really do take a lot out of you. I’m hoping this is just a small cold and doesn’t progress into one like I had a couple months ago. Im also missing out on lots of girls nights and girls trips with my non prego friends. This new life style is sinking in but I have to say while I miss these fun outings with the girls Im pretty darn lucky and excited about this new life to come!!!!!!!

Movement: Lots of movements! Her kicks literally stop me in my tracks now. Also she is having a lot more hiccups in my third trimester! Did this happen to any of you as well?

Cravings: Lots of carbs lately! Cereal has always been my favorite food but i’ve been an animal around it!

Symptoms: As previously mentioned my eye lashes are still pretty sparse. I also have some lovely little dark spots showing up on my face (Its called the mask of pregnancy apparently) but can be covered up with makeup and usually disappear after the baby arrives.

Belly Button in or out: Out

Mood: Pretty good besides having this cold. I did have one day last week where I was in such a bad mood I just hid out in my room because I didn’t want to snap at my hubby…. Love these horomones!

Looking forward to: My next doctors appointment and starting our parenting classes this week (should be entertaining to say the least 😉

Exercise: Just walking a few days a week now.

Nutrition: Pretty much the same just upping my calories a bit in this last trimester. At my last doctors appointment I hadn’t gained any weight (when I should have gained two lbs) She said the baby is measuring perfect but she is just taking everything I am eating and I should up my calories a little bit esp in the third trimester. Needless to say after the hubby heard that, we went straight to Whole Foods cookie section and dominated!

Favorite moments this week: My husband giggling at me when he catches me changing or getting up in the middle of the night to “waddle” to the bathroom. I told him i’m going to get a complex if keeps laughing everytime he see’s my bare belly! I have been so lucky to have a husband who is so excited (if not more excited than I am) to have a little baby girl! The way his face lights up when he sees me has truly made this whole experience for me and I know just how fortunate I am to have him! Now just remind me of this when DELIVERY day comes and i’m cursing him out 😉

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  1. Aw I love that your husband is more excited than you are lol 🙂

    I hope you continue to have a wonderful pregnancy! I have been following your blog for a while now since I stumbled up on it on Pinterest. I absolutely love your style…you make me want to shop! I'm looking forward to your new revamped site!!

    All the best,

  2. You are doing great!!! That happened to me with my first daughter, I wasn't gaining weight the last 5 weeks. Carbs should do the trick, my baby came out weighing a little over 6 lbs and @ 38 weeks. I wasn't expecting her that soon because I would always hear people say your first baby always takes time to come. Not True!!!:) There are some great natural supplements like fenugreek you can take after baby comes to help with breastfeeding, that won't harm baby. My milk didn't come in until like the third day of having her. You are gonna have so much fun. It's a love you cannot describe, it's surreal that this little person was inside you. Congrats to you and your hubby!!!!!

  3. Love your post!! For your eyelashes, why don't you try Urban Decay's Lash serum? It works well for me and has had some great reviews. However, don't use the white serum on the other end (it is a 2 sided serum – one a clear gel, and the other a white serum) cuz it has a Vit A derivative. I even use it on my brows and it's worked wonders. Hope you get rid of your cold soon! Take care!!

    1. good to know ill def check it out!! i have a lash serum i also love but am paranoid to use anything till after my little lady arrives and im done breast feeding.

  4. I'm at 28 weeks this Friday, and my little Peanut just started with the constant hiccups. Quite the feeling, eh?

    You look great! I'm still about 6 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight, but had such horrible morning sickness (more like 24hrs!!) that I actually lost 15 lbs in the first 13 weeks. As with you, my own Darling thinks I'm looking "cute" when I waddle, or try to roll out of bed. Can't wait to see your little bundle! 🙂

  5. Oh I just love this update! You look wonderful and I love reading about what you're going through at this stage of your pregnancy!! Love how excited your hubby is…that's how mine is being and it really makes ALL the difference! 🙂

  6. as far as nursing bras or cami's, Target has a pretty descent selection. Found mine located where they keep the rest of the bra's and panty's. Good luck 🙂


  7. these are my favorite posts. such a special time, i love that you have it documented! it will be fun for you to look back at these posts after she is born!! so sweet what you wrote about your husband 🙂

  8. Haha, Andee. I just had a girl and i was OBSESSED with cereal..that was like my go to meal especially in the last trimester..please please please invest in a good breast pump and breast pads because once your milk comes in, you will be engorged and your milk will leak EVERYWHERE for at least 2-3 weeks. I recommend the lansinoh brand breast pads because that is what I use and I dont get any on my clothes, i just change them like 4 times a day lol..but anyways, congratulations to you!

  9. I love these posts 🙂 I'm so excited every time I see your belly get bigger. You look amazing pregnant! I hope when I start to have kids I can look half as good as you 😉 I also LOL'd when I read "dominated the cookie section. It's awesome that your hubby is so excited for a little girl! Its cute that he laughs at your waddle lol

  10. hi andee!! my little guy (3 weeks old today!) had the hiccups constantly during my last trimester and still has them constantly now that he's out.

    the gillian o'malley line of nursing bras/tanks at target is great. they wash really well, too. i love everything i own from it – so much better and cheaper than the medela ones!

    good luck 🙂

  11. Aw you look so beautiful! It must be so exciting to finally be getting to the finish line!

    P.s, I doing my first ever INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY which includes a handbag, clutch, and 3 pieces of jewellery.
    I would love for you and your readers to enter!!

    BLOG: instinctofstyle.blogspot.com
    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/instinctofstyle


  12. Andee: check out http://www.pristinebeauty.com she has only a few products but they are 100% natural and she has a lotion that not only gets rid of stretch marks(just in case) but also lightens dark marks as well. I'm sure you'll be fine but just thought I'd share that with you! 😉

  13. You are gonna have such fun dressing your little princess. There is sooo much girl clothes, it's actually dangerous for your wallet. Hahaha You have to check out old navy.com, they have the cutest outfits and at such a great price point. They have the cutest hello kitty tees with sports teams. I wish I had a little baby:(

  14. Hi Andee!
    Yes, Target has a couple great maternity bras. They have a black one that looks just like the very sexy bras from Victorias Secret but are way comfortable. I have been wearing it for a year now. One tip for you as you get closer to your due date… It has been said that a pedicure can help bring on labor, so if you get to a point where you are beyond ready, it's not going to stimulate her if she isn't ready, don't worry. I walked and got a pedi in same day and my water broke that night. coincidence? She was due 1/15 and I had her on 1/6 so who knows? Lol

    Do you have a name picked out? My girls are Ava Lauren and Sophia Renee.. Girls are the bessssst!!! Precious!! 🙂 all the best to you!!

    1. oh so good to know! im heading to Target today to snag some other things so i will DEF check that bra out! We do have a name picked out and will announce it this week 😉 I have a feeling you will like it lol

  15. Love love your blog! I live in a small town in Texas and so I love reading about your city life! I have a 10 month old baby boy and I have breast fed the entire time! I'm a 2nd grade teacher so I pump and the medela double pump is amazing, you will love it! Also the Lansinoh freezer bags for your extra milk are the best! I've only had 2 that leaked out of 100s! Have you ever heard of plum organics? It's the best organic baby food! My little guy can't get enough! Enjoy these last few weeks with your hubby, and go on as many dates as you can 🙂 once that baby girl gets here date nights are less frequent cause I hate leaving my little guy 🙂 God bless you

    1. thanks randi! thats so nice to hear! And thank you for all the tips on products to buy i definitely need all the tips i can get 😉 And i totally agree on the date nights! Were trying to squeeze in as many as possible!!! xo

  16. It seems as though you and your husband have the best relationship 🙂 If its not too personal, I'd love to hear more about the 2 of you as a couple-how you met, etc. and any advice you have for being so happily married at such a young age and keeping that balance with your girlfriends and married life!

  17. Hey Andee… I loved the Elle McPherson nursing bras I got at Pea in a Pod. You may, or may not need pads.. I nursed for a LONG time ( too long to post on Internet;)) and I never needed those pad things. What I really lived in though we're the nursing tank tops I got for $15 at target.com. I would just do something cute over it and walaa! Easy access!! ;). It is especially nice bc then u don't have to life ur shirt if u r around people. I would always wear those wrap kinda sweaters obver a tank, and cover Sav with the wrap while she nursed- super discreet :).

  18. Wow Andee, your so big- in a good way! 🙂 So excited for you! I'm coming to LA tomorrow for the Poshmark #LAposhparty, I know it's so last minute, but if your up for it, I would LOVE to meet you! xx


  19. I loved reading about your baby update!! I am so excited for you to have your baby girl in march, thats so exciting! Having a girl is the most fun ever, seriously, getting my little girl dressed everyday is a highlight! Youll love it : ) Thanks for the sweet post over at my blog! I love yours!

  20. hi Andree, I just found your blog and I'm 7 weeks pregnant (I haven't announced it yet). I'm also petite, workout regularly and conscious eater and seeing how beautiful you are pregnant gives me faith that I could become pregnant, fit and beautiful too! 🙂 thanks for being a great inspiration! 🙂

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