32 Week Bump Update!

So lets not even mention how long it has been since i’ve done a pregnancy update! Seriously I don’t even know where the weeks have gone and how I am already 8 months and in my third trimester! I had every intention of doing weekly updates, nursery progress etc but yaaaa that hasn’t happened. We did finally order and receive most of the nursery furniture and i’ll share some pics as it starts to come together. Right now I am just in the process of clearing out a guest bedroom to convert it into a nursery and going through all of Ava’s old clothes. A lot of you have asked if I am going to sell Ava’s clothes and the answer is YES! I’m pretty sure this is going to be our last pregnancy so i’m ready to sell some of Ava’s old clothes. I’ve actually started an instagram account @SHOPBABYBEE and have listed some items for sale on there (and will be adding more later today). So follow along if you want to shop her closet and eventually our little mans closet as well!  I debated between doing another blog shop for the baby items or the instagram shop so please bare with me as I try this out and feel free to let me know which you mamas prefer as well! 
(Target Maternity Tank // LuluLemon Pants)

Now on with the update….I’m definitely anxious, overwhelmed and excited all at the same time! This pregnancy has felt pretty similar to my pregnancy with Ava but I can definitely see what people mean when they say “you’re carrying a boy”. He feels much lower and out in front! 
How far along: 32 Weeks 
Gender: Baby boy! 
Total weight gain: around 20lbs! (As for stretch mark cream nothing fancy over here just Palmers Cocoa Butter. I used it when I was pregnant with Ava as well)
Maternity Clothes:  Yes! The majority of my basics are maternity now but still incorporation some non maternity pieces. (You can see a post I did on all my current favorite maternity basics HERE)

Sleep: Pretty great up until a couple weeks ago. Rolling over and getting up takes quite a bit of effort these days and involves a lot of huffing and puffing 😉

Miss Anything:  Cocktails! (which is probably going to be my answer every bump update! #justsayin’) and being able to work out like I used to.

Cravings: Popcorn, soft pretzels and fresh juices

Symptoms: For the most part i’m still feeling pretty good. I am definitely in the stage where its getting hard to shave and  tie my shoe laces. Not to mention I get winded so easily now 😉 I have been having braxton hicks already as well. 
Belly Button in or out: Out 

Mood: anxious and to be honest a little overwhelmed! Things have been SO busy around here lately that I feel like I really need to slow it down and just relax a bit more. I’m pretty sure this is going to be our last pregnancy so I want to enjoy it as much as I can. 

Best Moment this week: Ava has been super interested in the new baby. She’s constantly talking to my tummy and asking when he is going to be here and its just the sweetest! I know it will be a little  bit of an attention shift once he arrives but I hope that she is still just as interested in him! 
Looking forward to:  Finishing up his nursery! I feel like there is still so much to do and the weeks are just flying by ahhhh! 
Exercise: So here we go…Up until around 6.5 months I was still making it into the gym for some solid cardio and strength training 2-3 times a week. In October I got really sick then Ava was sick and I pretty much didn’t work out the whole month. Then last month my hips were hurting pretty badly and it would be even worse after I worked out ;( So I listened to my body and now I am only walking a couple times a week and doing some mild strength training (squats, lunges and some arms) at home.  I’ll admit it is a little frustrating because I am someone who likes an intense workout (spin, sprint intervals, stair climber etc etc) but this is not the time to stress your body out. Listen to it and just try to stay active and do a little something each day. In the mean time i’m just trying to eat really healthy and clean 80% of the time and indulge (as you’ve seen on Instagram 😉 the other 20% of the time. Now that it’s the holidays it may be more like 70/30 lol. 
On My Mind: I wanted to say thank you so much to all my mamas that left comments with advice on my last update. It was so valuable and comforting to read. I have picked up a couple of the “big brother/big sister” books you recommended. Also something  some of you mentioned that I hadn’t even thought about was having that “mom guilt”. A lot of you mentioned feeling guilty trying to balance spending time with each kiddo. To be honest I feel like trying to balance a toddler, a hubby, a household and full time blogging is already a task I haven’t conquered so i’m a bit anxious to see how adding a newborn into the mix will go! We’ve tried our best to get Ava as settled as possible to help with the new transition. She’s potty trained, in her own big girl bed and in preschool a few days a week so I’m hoping having those down will make the transition a little easier. Either way I know the first few months are going to be a little Cray Zay.
and if all else fails at least there’s always wine right?! ;)) Anyhow I hope this was helpful for you mamas and sorry for the novel! Now you know why it’s been forever since i’ve done a full bump update. I needed to find the time to sit down and write everything 😉 As always I LOVE to hear your thoughts, advice and tips! We’re currently looking into double strollers right (and leaning toward the baby jogger city select with attachment) but any recommendations you girls have on that would be awesome!! 

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  1. Hi! I am interested in a couple items on @SHOPBABYBEE, but I'm not on instagram…. Is there any other way you sell them yet, or is that the only option? THANKS!

    I also am not computer savvy, so I don't understand how to leave the comment with my info…. 🙂

    1. Hi love you can email me your selections and ill try my best to get the invoice out to you before others comment. Usually once I list the items tend to go pretty quickly! xoxo

  2. For a tandem, I would go with the City Select. It's the only one where the older child doesn't look like he/she is smothered. For a jogger, I like the BOB Duallie and for a standard Side-by-Side I'm obsessed with the Bumbleride. It fits through doors and looks super elegant!

    1. Yes! I saw so many of the other strollers have the toddler sitting/crunched inward…no toddler is going to want to sit in that lol. I was a little hesitant about the side by side but ill take a peek at these! Thank you love xo

  3. I can't believe you are already 32 weeks! You look amazing Andee!!! Gonna take a look at Ava's IG to see if I can scoop up something for Miss M. Just found out 2 of my friends are preggo and due next year…I need the good juju! So wanting another baby like right. now. 🙂

  4. Loved the update!! I have a feeling Ava will be an amazing big sister, having two kids is so rewarding & I can't wait to hear all about your experiences! And we love that stroller, it is ahhhmazing!! XO

    1. thanks Jessica! Its always been so nice having you to follow to see whats in store! Ill be honest I'm a little nervous with how it will go with two but know all the little moments in between will make it all worth it! Merry Christmas to your beautiful fam xo

  5. Looking amazing as usual!! I seriously can't believe how quickly your pregnancy is going…I feel like you just announced it…how did you catch up so fast? I can't wait to "meet" the little guy and hopefully have that playdate with the kiddos one day! xoxoxox

  6. You look ah-mazing! Congrats again. I have two boys (19 months apart) and the City Select has worked so well with the two of them. I have not regretted the investment!

    1. oh so good to hear I think that one makes the most sense so far! I dont know how people maneuver with a side by side double stroller! Id taking everyone and everything out lol

  7. Loved the update, Andee! I totally felt like this pregnancy has flown by for you. I heard that tends to happen when you're already busy running after a energetic toddler. Enjoy the next few weeks! xx

  8. Just a quick double stroller rec…(I am a baby store retailer). I think I remember seeing pics of Ava when she was little cruising around in the Uppababy Vista, well, the 2015sta is now even better! The toddler can face in or out and that toddler seat has a full recline as well. It's not as log or wide as the City Select either which is nice too.

    You look great! Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes just as smoothly 🙂

    1. Hi lovely yes we do have the Uppa Baby Visita but its not the 2015 so only option is the additional seat but it faces inward and theres no way Ava will ride like that. I love the 2015 but hate to have to buy a whole new stroller but well see! Thanks so much for the update! xoox

  9. Andre I just love your pregnancy updates! My son is due in May so it's even more exciting to watch your journey! Sending you lots of love and hoping things slow down a bit and you're able to savor your last few weeks!

  10. Andee I just love your pregnancy updates! Your are the cutest thing! My son is due in May so it's extra fun to follow along with this pregnancy! Sending you lots of love and hope things slow down a tad and you are able to enjoy the last few weeks of your pregnancy!

  11. Hey Andee! I love your style and reading your blogs. I am on my third pregnancy and we are also having another boy. That will be three boys age 6yrs, 2 yrs and baby 3 due in March. While continuing my education and pursuing a BS in Health Science, I work at a Hospital and also manage to make dinner every night for my spouse, my kids and my pets lol. For myself it is all about time management.Yes it is a challenge, but so worth every minute. Children are a blessing. You got this girl!
    We have a double Phil and Teds stroller S4 inline. Its easy to use and a space saver.

  12. We currently have the city select with the black frame. Love it. My daughters Ava is 3 1/2 and Layla is 1 years old. It has worked great for us. Not to mention the basket underneath is huge and very accessible. So many options for the seats and carrier. You will love it.

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