30 Week Update

How far along: 30 Weeks (almost 31 weeks currently)

Gender: Girl

Total weight gain: 17 pounds gained

Maternity clothes: I officially had to make some maternity purchases this month! I scooped up some Gap maternity leggings and they are beyond comfy!! Liz Lange for Target also makes some great fitting tanks (they kind of hide your belly button if your rocking an “outtie” like me) and I also bought one pair of Hudson wide leg maternity jeans from ebay. Im hoping to make do with these items for the next 8 weeks!

Stretch marks: not yet! (still knocking on wood)

Sleep: Sleeping is getting a bit more uncomfortable. Turning over is quite the task and baby “A” is very particular about which side she prefers me to sleep on (my diva in the making haha)

Miss Anything: Went to Katsuya (sushi) last night with some girlfriends and REALLY made me miss sashimi and cocktails! Although the bar tender made my favorite drink without the alcohol and cant tell you how excited I was!

Movement: Girlfriend is ALL OVER THE PLACE esp in the evenings. As many times as I have felt her movements it still puts a smile on my face. It is just such a trip that I could have a daughter in 8 weeks!!

Cravings: Still not to many. I think I have jinxed myself by saying I don’t crave sweets because the last couple weeks i’ve started having a bit of a sweet tooth.

Symptoms: As previously mentioned my eye lashes are practically gone! Most days I dont even bother putting on mascara because 3 coats dont even make a difference. (I have to sport some falsies for special occasions) I also am SUPER tired now. I didn’t really experience that to much in my first and second trimester but as soon I hit 7 months a nap in the afternoon became mandatory!

Belly Button in or out: Out

Mood: For the most part pretty HAPPY! I was a bit anxious the past couple weeks with settling back in and trying to get stuff organized. Now that we have some huge things checked off the to do list and I found a doctor here I like (which was major) i’m feeling much better. Nothing like moving mid pregnancy! Still hoping this little lady doesnt come early because there are so many things to do still! Also throughout my pregnancy I haven’t been very emotional. I hear a lot of women are but i’ve been just been very irritable…my husband will agree 😉

Looking forward to: My third trimester ultra sound today and baby shower this weekend!!!! We’re doing it a couple months early so my mom won’t have to fly across country back to back.

Exercise: Many of you have asked about my exercise and nutrition plan during pregnancy. As for exercise, the first 6.5 months I was jogging a couple times a week for about 40 minutes and doing some strength training twice a week (reduced form my pre pregnancy working out 4 days a week). At around 6.5 months I got a really bad cough/cold and couldn’t workout for a couple weeks. Once I started feeling better I did some light jogging again (around 7 months). The next morning I woke up coughing like crazy, so that was the end of that! I definitely don’t want to do anything to chance getting sick again or to send myself into early labor. Now that i’m on track for the pregnancy weight gain range I want to be in (25-30 lbs) i’m just doing some granny/pregnant style walking a few days a week and taking it pretty easy.

Nutrition: I’ve touched on this before but I haven’t been in the “feeding for two mentality”. I’ve kept my eating pretty much the same during the first and second trimester. I just added a couple hundred extra calories. Now that i’m in my third trimester I have definitely been adding 300+ calories a day. It seems to be working for me as i’m gaining about a pound a week. My husband however would prefer me to eat cupcakes and ice cream every night. He comes to all my doctor visits and likes to inform her that he thinks i’m not gaining enough weight…to which my doctor tells him my stomach and weight is measuring right on track 😉

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  1. Seems like you have had the dream pregnancy (knock on wood)! I cannot imagine how stressful it would be moving across the country! I can't wait to see pics of your little angel! 🙂

  2. Andee you are one gorgeous, hot mama!!! You look so glowing and happy…I love reading these updates and I can't believe you're in your 30th week already?! Time flies by so fast and she'll be here before you know it! 🙂

  3. Im so jealous! when I had my son 9 yrs ago I had no stretch marks until 8 mths lol then bammm haha! and then with my daughter I got a few more.. I gained 50 pds with both kids. I wish I had that tight tummy with no stretch marks 🙁
    You look amazing though! cant wait to see baby pics once you have your baby 🙂

  4. You look lovely. I'm sure you are taking care of yourself and your little daughter pretty well.
    Hubs pretends to give you the double of food hahahaha.
    but if the doctor says that everything is ok, well.. he´s the one who knows it better 😉
    Kisses beautiful Andee.

  5. You just are the cutest darn preggo I've seen! I'm sure you get that quite a bit, but what's one more comment 😉 Wishing you a healthy rest of pregnancy and healthy baby girl!

  6. You look awesome. Congrats on being so disciplined, I wish I could have been like that. I was very irritable at the end of my pregnancy as well, I think I was ready to have the baby. I had two babies a year and two months apart and both times were the same. After the delivery, I did get very emotional for a long time. Also, many people told me that the first baby usually comes after due date but both of my girls were 2 weeks early and my mom had four girls and all came two weeks before due date. Good Luck Doll, you are in great shape and I am sure your delivery is going to be a breeze. God Bless your family!!!!!

  7. Love this update!! Can't believe how close you are to the finish line! I still have 22 more weeks to go!! Ahh! Loved hearing what you've bought and your workout routine/eating habits. It really helps! You look spectacular! So excited for you!! 🙂

  8. what the heck- why are your lashes falling out?? what a bummer, but thank goodness for falsies huh?? you look incredible and sounds like you're feeling pretty good overall. i know you are looking forward to meeting your little princess- not much longer now!! i met all 3 of mine at 38 weeks, don't think i could've made it to 40 the way i felt!!

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