27 weeks!!!!!

I seriously cant believe I am going to be 7 months next week! There is still so much to do!Here is the most recent picture of the ever growing bump….

Gender: Girl

Weight Gained: Approx 12 lbs but have a feeling after this week may be more 😉

Stretchmarks:Not yet (fingers crossed)

Belly Button: Out and has been that way for months! Also think that little weird black line is going to be showing up here pretty soon.

Workouts: Non exsisent for the past two weeks 🙁 Between the move, holidays and me being really sick ALL last week my husband forbids me to work out. Hope to squeeze in a bit this week.

How you’re feeling: Honestly I felt pretty fab up until about 6.5 months. Now that my tummy is constantly expanding I have my good days and my bad days. Some days I feel great and other I feel blah. Its been quite the adjustment with all the body changes but all in all super thankful and happy as long as Baby A is healthy!

Sleep: Pretty good so far minus random wake up kicks(which are kind of cute anyway) and bladder calls.

Side effects: So far during my pregnancy Ive only had a few notable side effects. Little bits of nausea here and there (which im thankful for compared to what other women endure) Having a horrible metal taste in my mouth during my first 12 weeks. Now that baby A is getting bigger her frequent movements are becoming a bit more uncomfortable.For some reason my eyelashes are almost non exsistent (really missing them) but my hair is much fuller and longer now. I am also have a heck of a time bending over now haha. Reaching for something or trying to put my shoes on is quite the task! Also needing a bigger bra but definitely not complaining about that! So for the most part I feel like I have been really lucky so far.

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  1. Has your shoe size changed in anyway? I've always heard stories about feel growing during pregnancy (or after pregnancy). I'm so curious! 🙂 I hope you continue to have a fantastic holiday season! <3

  2. Oh my gosh you look beautiful! I feel like it was yesterday when you posted that you are expecting. <3 That's interesting that your eyelashes are falling out, I hear all your body hair grows ridiculous amounts. What do you do to cope with losing eyelashes? That would be hard for me. xoxox

  3. thanks ladies! Im definitely starting to feel prego…i have a slight waddle going on now 🙂
    @hereblogsthebride yes losing the eyelashes is def a bummer 🙁 i just have to go with it for now because there are so many things you cant use during pregnancy. When theres a special outing ill wear strip lashes or pop on some individual lashes occasionally.
    @DSK you know ive heard that as well but if anything I feel like i may have gone down a size. Hope it stays that way 🙂
    @Lorin KJelly thanks mama! cant wait to see you too! I would have text you this pic but still out of country and you know how expensive it is to use your cell.

  4. Looking incredible Andee! Im so glad you're having a really smooth pregnancy so far. My sister in law also mentioned being a uncomfortable around 7 months with the baby movements. She is going to be here sooner than you know it =) xx

  5. i dont know if u remember me or not ,, but i had a blog once and ive been following u ever since
    i just found out about your pregnancy , and am soooo happy for u
    you look gorgeous ,, and we cant wait to see baby cupcake <3
    take care of ur self and enjoy it , hope all goes well xx

  6. I am SO happy for you. You are so stunning and still…as I consider…one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my entire life! Wish you nothing but happiness for your new family! 🙂
    xoxo Debby

  7. you are the cutest pregnant lady ever!! really excited for you and it's nice to see taht you actually watch what your eating rather than scarfing down junk food like other pregnant women lol.

  8. You looks fantastic! I can't believe you are about 7 months already! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes very smoothly. Have a happy new year

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