22 Weeks

Hope you girls had a beautiful Thanksgiving! I meant to post this before I left on vacation but you know how hectic it can be to get everything organized before you travel. Im actually going to be 23 weeks tomorrow but thought I would post this anyhow…

Gender: Baby Girl
Cravings: I haven’t really had to many cravings, im just loving acidic stuff still. If anything I have been having a “lack” of cravings. Nothing really sounds good to me lately.
Sleep: Still pretty good (of course still have bladder calls in the middle of the night) and turning over in my sleep seems to take a bit more effort now 😉
Body Changes: Bully Button is out! No stretch marks yet (knock on wood). My lower back has started hurting a bit. Also I swear I am losing my eyelashes, I did some research and apparently that can happen during pregnancy!!
Weight Gain: about 9 to 10 pounds
Work Outs: still cardio twice a week and strength training twice a week
Things missed: all my facial products I cant use anymore because of the ingredients that aren’t safe for babies.
Maternity Clothes: Still not wearing maternity clothes but feel like I just may have to give in a purchase a pair of maternity jeans! Im still wearing the belly band to keep my regular jeans up in the mean time.
New Experiences: Kicks are becoming so much stronger and now I can actually see my stomach move when she kicks!
Look Forward to: Spending the holidays with my in laws!

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  1. woah. i didn't even think that you have to stop using certain beauty products! i'm so uninformed when it comes to the world of babies! very good to know!

    you look amazing!

  2. Thank you girls so much! im def starting to feel prego and adjusting to all the new curves 😉
    @eri and @natasha I will def do a pregnancy beauty product post soon! I was the same and had no clue you shouldn't use certain products while pregnant until i went to see my dermatologist!

  3. Awwww you look adorable 🙂
    Don´t worry about the lashes, and the products that you can´t use right now, you will do it soon or later.
    I hope that everything goes well and your lower back don't hurt too much.
    You look radiant Andee 🙂

  4. Hope you had a great vacation! Looking great! Hopefully, you are able to find healthier substitutes for your skincare/makeup. Apparently, you're supposed to avoid Vit A and I find out even most lipbalms have a form of Vit A (retinyl palmitate).

  5. You look amazing! You're so fit though I bet you can only tell that you're pregnant looking at your profile! I was wondering if you would consider making posts on how you wear certain items. I got a super cute parka on black friday but when I got home I realized that I have NO idea how to wear it and make it look feminine and cute. You have an amazing sense of style so I thought it'd be a great idea for posts! xo

  6. This is a Fantastic collection! You did an awesome job finding and presenting these. Thanks for all of your pregnancy clothes link resources. As I am nearing the end of my pregnancy, I would like to know how to convert some of my favorite mat pants and skirts into regular clothing.
    mobile radiation

  7. Thanks ladies! I am definitely feeling like a prego lady now! @anonymous im jealous you even get to wear a parka right now! Its Dec 1st and it was still in the upper 70s here in miami!

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