20 Weeks

Today I am officially 20 weeks pregnant and can’t believe I am half way there!! It is going by so quickly! I love seeing my tummy grow each week and feeling the movements from little baby A become stronger and stronger!

Gender: Girl (Baby “A”)
Cravings: Luckily still just fruits esp lemon and acidic stuff (which I NEVER ate before)
Sleep: Good (besides the middle off the night bladder call)
Body Changes: Bully Button is practically out! No stretch marks yet (knock on wood)
Weight Gain: about 7 pounds
Work Outs: cardio twice a week and strength training twice a week
Things missed: WINE and sushi
Maternity Clothes: Not yet but can not zip or button my jeans (I wear a belly band or use a hair tie to keep them up)
New Experiences: Feeling baby A hiccup was so stinking cute!
Look Forward to: heading to VA this week and hoping my mom can feel little “A” kick and move!

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  1. Congrats on having a girl, thats so exciting! You are just so gorgeous pregnant =) I had to give up sushi 3 years ago and I definitely miss it.

  2. ms.andee, you are so adorable! congrats to you and your hubby…safe travels to VA! I sure do miss the East Coast during the fall. = )

  3. thank you ladies! its crazy how fast it is going by! @ anita I am using Palmers coco butter but they say its pretty much genetics that determines if you get stretchmarks or not. Either way I am going to keep using my creams just in case 😉 I am also going to try Mustela as I hear good things about their products.

  4. You are too beautiful seriously. You probably hear that from your husband every day. And 7 lbs? I gain that over the holidays…ha ha. Keep up the pregnancy posts I love them.

  5. your baby bump is so cute 🙂

    I love the background on your pics because I am a born and bred Miami girl- i recognize half of your pics, makes me miss home 🙂 why did you move to miami? I gather you are not originally from there right?


  6. Gorgeous baby bump!

    The middle of night bathroom breaks may last for a while depending on how your bladder handles the birth! 🙂 Nobody told me that before.. lol. but now I know.

  7. @JenlovesBal good to know!
    @Carlina thanks love!
    @Carriekinsella no im not orIginally from Miami but my husband and i have frequented here a lot before we made the move. We moved here to be closer to family (my family is in DC and NC and his is in the islands so Miami was a compromise for us) Although I think we may be moving back to CA in the Summer but not for sure yet.

  8. Hey Andee,
    You look beautiful! Glowing for sure! I am so inspired by the (very few) women who don't end up eating for '2' and still continue working out. I am wondering when you say you weight train twice a week – how streneous are your weight trainings? What do you do?
    I wish you, the hubby and baby "A" much health and happiness 🙂 XO

  9. What type of cardio do you do? Baby hiccup!! Such a cute experience!! Inspiring to see how disciplined you are in regards to health and fitness!

  10. Congrats to you! From reading on your healthy intake through pregnancy, I highly doubt you will get stretch marks 😉 You look stunning!

    Take care,


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