16 Weeks

Hi honeys! I hope you all are enjoying your holiday weekend! I had my brother visiting so its been nice just relaxing and spending some quality time with him. Since this bump is taking off I thought it would be a good time to start sharing my pregnancy updates for this go round. I’m actually almost 17 weeks now but this picture was from last week….
(Dress from Target!)
How far along: 16 Weeks

Gender: ??? We couldn’t tell at our last ultra sound but should know at our next one in a few weeks. This pregnancy feels pretty identical to Ava’s so i’m not sure if that means another girl?

Total weight gain: close to 8 lbs! I pretty much put on 5 lbs right away in the first trimester like last time. However this time around I definitely started showing much sooner and am seeing a bigger bump at 16 weeks than last time.

Maternity Clothes: I’m still in regular clothes and some of my low rise or boyfriend jeans still actually close. The majority of my pants though I have to use the hair tie trick.

Stretch marks: Not yet…still lathering on my Cocoa Butter. I used it my whole pregnancy with Ava and hoping it works this time around as well. No fancy expensive creams for me. I just used Palmers Cocoa Butter from Target.

Sleep: Pretty great so far minus having to get up once a night for a restroom break.

Miss Anything: I always miss cocktails when i’m pregnant. I don’t drink a lot but having a cocktail or two is always nice! I also miss Sushi and crop tops of course . 😉

Cravings: I think “lack of” cravings is more like. Just like when I was pregnant with Ava nothing sounded good to me.  Juices and Spring Rolls (yes random) are pretty much the only things I won’t pass up right now.

Symptoms: it’s still early but ladies these hips are hurting already! The first trimester I was really nauseous and SUPER tired. I know thats to be expected but the tired was on another level. I’m sure chasing around a toddler this time around had something to do with that. Once I hit about 13 weeks that subsided a bit and i’ve been feeling a bit better.

Belly Button in or out: its undecided

Mood: Pretty good so far!

Best Moment this week: Feeling the little kicks! They’re definitely still small kicks but I started feeling them at about 14.5 weeks! I know they say that’s probably too early to feel them butttt 100% they were kicks 😉

Looking forward to: A Fall Maternity wardrobe! I LOVED being prego in the Fall/Winter last time and can’t wait to get cozy with this bump and all the Fall layers!

Exercise: The first trimester I totally slacked off with exercise bc to be honest I was just so exhausted and nauseous. Now in the second trimester i’m back on board and making sure I get to the gym or exercise at least 2-3 times a week. My workouts usually consists of light cardio (for about 30 mins) and some strength training as well.

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  1. You Look amazing!! I'm 23 weeks pregnant and it's so much fun to follow you while you're pregnant to! When I first started to follow you you were pregnant with Ava and I thought you look so cute that I always imagined myself pregnant 🙂
    My best wishes, mine is a baby girl!

  2. You look fabulous! Such a lovely neat bump growing…I think they say you feel kicks earlier on 2nd pregnancies don't they? So exciting! I miss feeling those little kicks! Now I just get round-kicks to the face and arms when we're in bed (haha – she's 5 months old now!)

  3. I had extreme nausea too in my first trimester and basically hibernated. 🙂 I was told that the baby is taking all the nutrients from you and will be a strong healthy baby. I miss being pregnant. 🙂 Anyways, good job on working out. Glad you are feeling better!!

  4. Very sweet photo! I was so sick for first tri too, up all night… not fun! Im 21 wks now and feeling totally normal. Did you have a natural birth w Ava? I look forward to more bump updates xx

  5. Congrats on your second! You're glowing. Would you mind sharing your favorite baby names? Looking forward to more updates! 🙂

  6. You are having a girl for sure! I have two girls myself, was sick as hell with both pregnancies and didn't crave anything. Everyone I know who had a boy wanted to eat everything in sight! Two girls would be amazing….sisters! Plus you already have everything!

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