A destination for attainable & elevated everyday style

A destination for attainable & elevated everyday style

Friday Finds

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New Year, New You?! Lululemon Favorites

Alright ladies time to kick those fitness resolutions off! I know you girls are always asking for more fitness and health stuff from me so expect a lot it this month, starting with Lululemon faves. You'll notice that a lot of the activewear I tag is from them because the quality is so good for sweat sessions and athleisure.
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Our Most Used Home Products in 2021

In today’s “best of 2021” series I wanted to share our most used home products. I feel like there are a few more to add to list but these 7 products were the first ones that came to mind and we use often so let’s dive right in… With all the iPads, watches, phones and … Continued
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In My

My Most Used Skincare Products in 2021

ght my loves, as we are coming to a close this year I always like to do a quick recap on my favorite products from the year. While I have a few "best of's" post coming up this week, I figured I would kick things off today with my most used skincare products in 2021. These are all the products that I have personally purchased and used consistently throughout the year and worth every penny in my opinion.
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Style finds of the week

Three Pieces I’ve Been Living in Lately

I’m taking a quick break from sequins and party dresses to share what you all will catch me in most days of the week. These casual active wear favorites are staples that I always reach for when i’m running errands and not sure where the day will take me. First things first, let’s talk about … Continued
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Weekend Deals & Steals

Hope you girls who celebrate had the BEST Christmas yesterday! We’re having a slow start to the day over here and loving it. Quickly wanted to share some of the best deals & steals that I saw this weekend with you before spending the rest of the day with the fam. There are some awesome … Continued
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Friday Finds

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Snow Day Style

Now that it's officially winter, I know a lot of you girls have snow trips coming up so I wanted to share some of my picks for colder weather. We have our yearly mountain trip planned which I can't wait for- and you know I had to update a few items for snow day style for both me and the fam. Keep reading for what I'm eyeing and adding to cart for our upcoming trip!
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Weekend Deals & Steals

Last call for that holiday wear this week for you girls! I know most of are wrapping up the parties this weekend and looking ahead to Christmas and New Years so I've got a few last-min holiday looks, lots of festive NYE options and some winter finds you girls will love. Hope you girls have a great rest of your weekend!
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17 Stocking Stuffers You Haven’t Seen Everywhere

We're ONE WEEK out from Christmas which wild! I'm running around like crazy this week and I'm sure you girls are in the same boat. If you need last-minute gift ideas, be sure to check out all the Gift Guides I've been posting over the last month or two. And if you're looking for stocking stuffers for your fam that you haven't seen a million times, I've got you covered!
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Our Quick and Easy Gingerbread House Decorating Party

It's officially crunch time to get in all the last-minute holiday stuff, from gifts to special traditions with the kids, and in typical Andee fashion, you know I'm late on everything. The kids reminded me we hadn't decorated gingerbread houses yet (which I honestly love doing...who remembers last year's competition between me and the hubby??) so last weekend I invited some of their friends over to do the damn thing.
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