A destination for attainable & elevated everyday style

A destination for attainable & elevated everyday style

25 Home Pieces to Note From Target

You girls appreciate a good Target Haul as much as I do, so after my latest trip and seeing a bunch of cute home stuff, I wanted to round them up for you. Honestly, they have such good spring home stuff- I'm excited for a few updates around here. If you girls are in the market for some affordable furniture or fresh updates, here are 25 home pieces you need to see...
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16 Pretty Party Heels For Upcoming Events

I've been seeing a TON of cute formal heels lately- and so many for $100. I know you girls have springtime weddings and events coming up so I wanted to round up all the Party Heels to get you through whatever you have on your schedule. From date night heels to pretty spring heels to the latest trends in heels, you girls will love these picks today!
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Weekend Deals & Steals

Happy Sunday babes! I've been trying to bring you more content on the blog and outfits over on LTK so I hope you girls are enjoying all my picks lately. Lots more fun spring content coming up as promised and a fun project I can't wait to share. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and these Deals & Steals!
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In My
Style finds of the week

Budget-Friendly Kids Clothes Under $20

I know I promised you girls lots of spring fashion which I have coming up but I also wanted to pop in with some kids picks I've recently found. Springtime in SoCal is usually a mix of cold mornings and warmer days so it's all about layering over here. As always, we hit up Walmart recently for some awesome budget-friendly kids clothes and pretty much everything we grabbed was under $20.
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Trend Report // Split Hem Pants

It's been a minute since I shot a specific trend I was loving but the Split Hem Pants felt worthy of their own outfit! Are you girls lovin' this trend as much as I am? I feel like it's a super flattering trend, whether you're petite like me or have legs for days, with the slits showing just the right amount of skin. You know I love showing off a good pair of heels too, so I've rounded up some of the best Split Hem Pants I'm seeing right now.
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Noteworthy Spring Accessories

It's feeling like summertime this week in SoCal so it has been craving allll the springtime accessories! And since all the warm weather stuff seems to go quickly, I want to start bringing you girls all the Spring fashion starting today. Let's get things kicked off with Noteworthy Spring Accessories from bags to shoes to jewelry and hats!
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The Festive Holiday Tradition We Love To Do

It’s safe to say that Valentines festiveness has been in FULL swing these past couple of weeks. I always get so excited to make fun holiday memories with the kids each year. Ava loves any sort of baking and decorating, so this weekend we made some cuuute treats to drop off to friends. We’ve done … Continued
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Weekend Deals & Steals

Hope you girls are having a good weekend! We're soaking up some SoCal sunshine in between the kid's sports stuff and laying pretty low. I'm excited to see lots of springtime fashion hitting the sites so I pulled a lot of Spring Deals & Steals this weekend, YEA!
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Splurge vs. Steals

In case you girls don't follow me over on LTK, I wanted to call attention to the new Splurge vs. Steals series I've been doing for the last couple of months. I know you girls love a good dupe or save vs. splurge item like me, so I've been calling them out whenever I see good ones.
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