A destination for attainable & elevated everyday style

Honeybee Health Q&A Round 2

Lots of questions in my recent IGS storybox about health and fitness so I figured I'd answer them all in one post. If you girls missed it, I also did another Honeybee Health Fitness Q&A a couple of years ago that answers a lot of the questions I saw.
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A destination for attainable & elevated everyday style

Friday Finds

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Men’s Basics That Are Crazy Budget-Friendly

You girls are always requesting picks for the guys so I'm happy to deliver today! You also know I had to bribe the hubby to pose for these pics but I told him it was for The Honeybee fam and he was down...and let's be honest, he likes the attention a little bit!
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13 Resort Pieces To Build Your Summer Style Around

After my recent trip to Mexico I heard from several of you girls about more vacay style so I'm here to deliver! I usually mix in a few new pieces for my summer travel uniform but honestly end up wearing the same stuff- or similar updates styles-over and over. So whether you girls are starting from scratch or are just looking for a couple resort-friendly pieces, here are my faves for building into your summer wardrobe!
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In My

Friday Finds

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Style finds of the week

Current Designer Cravings

Let's talk designer splurges for spring and summertime! When it comes to splurges, I usually go for bags or shoes- usually classic picks I know I'll wear for years but I also gotta throw in a fun trending designer pick...or two.
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Budget-Friendly Shades Under $100

Summatime is on its way so I thought I'd share my favorite shades under $100 today! I definitely buy high and low when it comes to sunnies- I love splurging on designer pairs I know I'll wear for years but I'm all for an affordable find as well. Especially when I want to try a fun trend or whatever!
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Weekend Deals & Steals

Hey babes hope you're enjoying your weekend so far! I'm still recovering from Mexico over here (ha!) and have more vacay fashion to share with you girls this week so stay tuned for that. Until then, here are the best deals & steals I found this week!
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Last-Minute Mother’s Day Gifts

Mother’s Day totally snuck on me this year so apologies that I haven’t shared this with you girls earlier! Can’t believe it’s already a week from tomorrow! The good news is it looks like there are a ton of great options still available to arrive in time for next weekend. Whether you’re shopping for your … Continued
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Friday Finds

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Trend Report // Bright Blazers

It's official ladies- bright colors are back! I know we all love our neutrals but I'm having fun with pops of neon and bright colors this season. As we move closer to spring, find me in bright blazers to add a little something extra in my closet.
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Honeybee Kids – Fun Summer Swim Picks

Summer is almost here so I wanted to bring you girls swim picks for the kids since I know we're all gearing up for lots of days in the sun! Honestly we live in swim year-round between our pool and the desert casa so I'm always on the hunt for kid's swim.
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