A destination for attainable & elevated everyday style

A destination for attainable & elevated everyday style

50 Pieces Perfect for Cabo

We just got back from the most amazing girls weekend in Cabo and the outfit DM’s are rolling in. Here’s a quick round up with the pieces I wore and others options that are perfect for your next Cabo trip!
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Weekend Deals & Steals

Happy Sunday babes! You know Halloween is my all-time fave holiday and I like to go all out so I’ve been getting things prepped for you that I can’t wait to share… In the meantime, lots of good fall finds over here so let’s jump right into this week’s deals and steals! Btw- Abercrombie is … Continued
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40 Target Halloween Items You Don’t Want to Miss

You girls know I'm OBSESSED with Halloween so I am so excited my fave holiday is finally here!! Like always I'm getting prepped and decorated nice and early so I thought I'd kick things off with 40 Target Halloween items you don't want to miss. These items are budget-friendly and the perfect way to start spooky season. Let's get into it...
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In My
Style finds of the week

Honeybee Health: My Favorite on-the-Go Healthy Snacks

It's been a minute since I put together a Honeybee Heath post for you girls so I'm kicking the series back off with my fave on-the-go healthy snacks! I get a ton of DM's about eating habits and how to bring back more healthy eating (especially after vacay), and swapping your typical snacks for healthier options is such an easy way to start. Not everything in my pantry is organic but I try to keep healthy options there when I can. Keep reading for everything that I'm constantly rebuying!
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Weekend Deals & Steals

Happy weekend babes! I’ve been getting so excited to share all of the fall content with you girls soon, can you believe it’s already that time?? You know how much I love Halloween too, so stay tuned for all of the spooky things coming soon! For now, let’s jump right into this week’s deals and … Continued
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My Skincare Lately

I know you girls are skincare obsessed like I am so I put together all of the skincare I'm using lately! These products have been my go-tos this summer and after using them for a few months I can safely say I highly recommend! From eye cream to pimple patches, keep reading for all of my faves...
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The Denim I’m Eyeing for Fall

Can I just say that I am excited that this post has the word Fall in it?! It’s been an epic Summer but you all know I’m ready for my favorite season ahead! We definitely still have some warmer filled months to go here in SoCal but I am seeing all the Fall styles creep … Continued
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