Halloween Decor I’m Eyeing This Year from Target

Things have really been getting into the fall spirit around here between my fall wedding guest outfit ideas post and these budget-friendly fall fashion finds I recently shared, so it’s only right that I also start sharing Halloween decor, right?? You girls know Halloween is a BIG deal around our house and we love to decorate for it early so of course I’m already eyeing lots of good decor pieces! Here are a few spooky pieces that caught my eye at Target this week….

A jar full of fake eyeballs was Lucas stop pick!

We love a good ginger bread house contest during the holiday so starting a new fun tradition this year with this haunted house kit!

Black Guaze is the easiest way to transform any area! Your dining table, stairs, over mirrors and bookshelves!

Neon signs are the must-have Halloween decor piece this year and Target has lots of options between this, this and this!

If you want more a subtle approach to your Halloween decor, you can use black details like these candle stick holders or this candleabra.

We’re all about the spooky details like a holographic skeleton portrait and a ouijai board.

Here are a few more Target Finds that caught my eye this year….


October is only a few days so get ready for lots of Halloween content to hit my gram soon!

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