Li Lash?

Im thinking about trying this product and was curious to see if you ladies have used it??! I know there are a ton of lash enhancing products out there but Im interested in this one because I’ve heard it wont change your iris color. ( I heard some reviews on other brands that actually darkened light colored eyes )
Have you ladies tried any of these lash enhancers?!

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  1. I have used Lilash and it darkens the skin around your eyes terribly (and can change your eyecolor as well). Its been a year since I have stopped using it and I would never recommend it to anyone. Every skin type is different so it might happen to you but BEWARE! Lilash does work though but the cons def are not worth the pros on this product IMO.

  2. I have been using it for 6 months- no change in iris color and my lashes have grown significantly. One bottle has also lasted me longer than 5 months so the price was so worth it. I would absolutely recommend it!

  3. This is one beauty trend I will not jump on since I would die if my eye color changed. Your eyes are gorgeous and you don't need longer lashes. Just my opinion, but I can't imagine you needing more than a single coat of mascara and voila! Beauty! xoxo

  4. I work in the cosmetic surgery/skin care field and the only lash enhancing product that we carry at our office is Latisse. It is a glaucoma medication therefore they have to address any side effects that they have encountered while testing it as a glaucoma product. Within the glaucoma study when patients were dropping the product into their eyes for a long period of time had noticed these side effects(about 4% of the patients). However, with Latisse you do not drop the product into your eye. We have never had any patients that have experienced these side effects and we have carried this product since it has been released. I definitely understand where you are coming from! Just wanted to give you any info I have! =)


  5. You should check She's tried just about every eye lash growth product out there. Pics and full, honest reviews on the products she has tried.

  6. I haven't tried Li Lash but I'm currently using a Talika product which I love and have noticed results, the only drawback is that it works very slowly. I've been using it since June 2009 and my lashes have grown, however, I think the actual quantity of lashes I have remains the same. It's $40 and takes about three months to notice a difference but I haven't experienced any irritation.

    This probably doesn't help because it's not a Li Lash review! Hah!

  7. I have also been dying to try Lilash! I have contemplated buying this for awhile. I've never heard of any iris color changing going on however, I have heard that it can discolor your eyelids and underneath your eye. Let us know if you decide to give it a go!! 🙂

  8. I've tried Envyderm, which I didn't see a whole lot of results. Not to mention its pricey. It's claim was that it was all natural and wouldn't have any bad side affects.

    I also tried Careprost (Latisse generic)from and I saw quite a difference in my lashes! However, I'm horrible with applying something every single night… but it definitely produced results. However, it does have risks like Latisse.

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