Look of the Day

(Please excuse my messy bedroom 🙂

(H&M top, Elizabeth & James necklace, J brand jeggings, Steve Madden OTK wedge boots, Prada bag & Cartier watch)

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  1. hey there. passing by your blog~ looks nice ^^ I like ur bedroom~ & don’t worry it’s a lot less messy than many many many of us~ hehe..

    xoxo hitomineko xoox
    *deco mirror giveaway*

  2. @Courtney how funny yes that is it! I got it a couple years ago and have worn it to death. I have never seen another person with it either! ( thats the reason i purchased it 🙂
    @ Jo haha thank you 🙂

  3. your room is soo not messy, mines got like an extra inch of flooring to it cause of the amount of clothes on the floor lmao I shouldnt even laugh but you cant actually see any part of the floor its soo bad hahaha

    I really love that top it looks sooo nice :)xxx

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