Baby "A" Name Reveal

I hope you ladies enjoyed your Super Bowl weekend! You may have noticed the updated Honeybee page and I hope you like it! I wanted to clean it up a bit and make it a little more organized for you girls to navigate through. I’ve added tabs at the top for each section as well as my social media buttons in the top right corner to make it easier to follow!
In other news if you follow me on Instagram you may have caught my little slip up in revealing baby “A’s” name! Although I don’t think I could have held out much longer because her name is in some of our maternity shots that I hope to share with you later this week! So our little loves names is going to be……

It was actually a pretty fast and easy decision! I thought it would take me months to decide but it literally took 5 minutes! I had heard the name Ava before but it had never really stood out as my MUST HAVE baby name. The night we found out we were having a girl (mind you our boys name had been picked two years ago ;)my husband started reading down a list of girls names. Literally the fifth name down he said “Ava…I really like that”. I agreed and threw my middle name on there and it was settled! Something about it just flowed and felt right! So little miss Ava Layne we can not wait to meet you!!!!!

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  1. I LOVE the name Ava. It had always been my #1 for a girl, however one of my cousins beat me to the punch with her daughter. Congrats. Hope the pregnancy is treating you well!

  2. I love it and that was my pick for my baby. I wanted Ava but my husband wanted Layla. We also thought of Kamilla. We didn't decide till after I had her. Once we saw her at the hospital, I let my husband make the decision on her name. Layla it was 😉

  3. First of all, love the name The both names together sound perfect! aww can't wait to see pics of the bundle of joy. Second love the new look on the blog, did you do it yourself? Mine is getting an update & a break lol. But will still be keeping updates on fb and pinterest & just saw you have Instagram! Oh and of course Say hi to Louie! :0) xo

  4. Ava is such a beautiful and exotic sounding name, its simple yet powerful, in that its once word/short if that makes sense?! You are looking radiant as always :))))

    P.S please do a whats in my bag post??

    :)) G, London Town

  5. Love love the name Andee!!! Has such a beautiful tone to it and I absolutely love it with your middle name. I have a friend who's beautiful girl is named Ava and I've loved it ever since 🙂 Btw, love the new blog layout too!

  6. Andee the new layout is so pretty!However,could you plz fix the "newer older post" thing?When you choose a month from Blog Archive there's no "newer older" buttons to go on,only "home"

    Ava's sooo cute name and she'd be such a lucky child for having parents like you 🙂

  7. I love the name! So pretty and girly. We're still discussing names for our little boy, but I think we've at least got it narrowed down to two. And we love them both, so I'd be happy with either. Hopefully one will just click for us and we'll know it's right. I love how that happens.

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