Baby Bump Update: 19 Weeks

Well so much for my weekly bump updates I had planned on doing for you ladies. This pregnancy seriously seems to just be FLYING by this time around! I guess it makes sense since i’m running around after a toddler and trying to keep up with her busy schedule as well but how are we already almost at the half way mark?!?! Anyhow here we go with my 19 Week update (almost 20 Weeks!)…..
How far along: 19 Weeks (almost 20 now!)
Gender: SOON! (taking all guesses 😉
Total weight gain: 9 lbs (a couple more pounds than where I was at this point last pregnancy)
Maternity Clothes:  Not yet but for the majority of my pants I have to use the hair tie trick.

Sleep: Pretty good! We finally got a new mattress and this mama is in heaven! I may have to start sleeping with an extra pillow under this heavy tummy soon though.

Miss Anything:  cocktails (which is probably going to be my answer every bump update! #justsayin’)

Cravings: Popcorn and fresh juices

Symptoms: Feeling pretty good now that I’m in the second trimester but let me tell you this hip pain is on a whole other level the second time around!! It’s a lot worse and starting so much sooner this pregnancy.

Belly Button in or out: It’s undecided but more on the outs


Best Moment this week: Just feeling super blessed and happy lately! I feel much more at ease this go round. 
Looking forward to:  Finding out the gender!

Exercise: A lot of you were asking about this and i’m still doing 3 days a week of easy cardio and easy strength training. I’m just trying to stay active. My cardio usually consists of treadmill (easy jogging no sprint intervals or high speed paces like pre pregnancy)  and the elliptical machine still with some solid resistance. I may start the stairclimber again but need to get a heart rate monitor first because that one is always a harder workout. As for strength training just all the key basics. Weighted squats and lunges and some arms. I’m going to try to post quick workout videos but i’ll be honest sometimes just getting the gym is a task these days let alone filming portions too. Life is SO busy lately but hopefully I can start doing some quick videos for you ladies! 

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  1. Hi Andee,
    I just wanted to say that I just discovered your blog and fell in love with it! You are so stylish and relatable, especially since I too am also 19 weeks preggo with my 2nd child while trying to balance it all! You're also so right about it flying by this time around!

  2. Lookin' good momma, as always!! I hear ya, second time around things seem to happen MUCH sooner/quicker but it goes so fast too. Gosh, I don't know what to guess – another girl?! Either way, so excited for you. 🙂

  3. I would love to start seeing videos on your blog! I have been following since you were first pregnant with Ava! Congrats, love the blog and look forward to reading each day xo xo

  4. You and your bump look beautiful Andee! How is your energy level this time around, chasing after Ava? That's a big fear for trying for #2. I think Kaitlyn is really active and high-energy, and I was sooo exhausted during the first pregnancy – I can't imagine doing it again while chasing a toddler. I'll take a wild guess with GIRL for gender? Your bump kind of looked like mine and hip pain (they say girls carry lower and wider?) for random reasoning.

    xx Viv at JoieDeViv

  5. Thank you for posting pictures of your new lil' man. My husband and I are thinking of starting a family this year and I find myself visiting your site when my anxiety runs rampant. Most of the newer mom's that I know seem to highlight how miserable pregnancy is and it can be a little hard sometimes to remind myself of what a gift it is. I know that it's not all cute cravings and "sprinkles" for nine months but I really appreciate how you have taken us on this journey with you. You remind me of so much to look forward to and the beauty of being a woman. Congratulations and I pray you are blessed with many new memories and maybe even a few naps 😉

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